A Malaysian's Guide to this forum

1.Actually read the rules

2.Avoid Mal and Loreing(Mal’s alt) or any of other alts(also Donk?(seems better then mal though(might change that later)))
3.Flag any suggestions on game discussion

(Mal can go to [REDACTED] for his low posts)
4.Don’t expect Merdeka Day to be celebrated here.

I don’t know who you are but I already love you.

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@Mal You are here from now on out not suppose to make suggestions in #game-discussion. That is only meant for #suggestions which you don’t have access to until you get a higher trust level. Until then stop posting suggestions in #game-discussion to overlook the fact that your not able to post in the correct category.

…and thats how Mal’s gone…? (These were his last posts)

If that guy actually kills himself i might legit have to explain myself to the malaysian government
Not good man.

This most likely tells a lot about a partially civilized side of this forum community. Everyone’s been bashing at Mal for too long to the point where he had to post this, but I hope he actually isn’t serious about this shit. If it really did happen, theres going to be a fuck ton of legal issues and shit coming in

yuo potentially making someone killing themself and your first thought is having to explain yourslf?

i think you should replace me with yourself if yuore just that toxic and slefish

nein(i am just going to place a question mark,you don’t seem to mal for the moment,may actually remove that later)
If you actually read one of Mal’s posts you would know that he intentionally spreads misinformation on Wom
What if it is on anything to do with science?
Mal should honestly stay off the internet,not just this forum.
Your posts and grammar did worry me,but i jumped the gun on that one.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 5 hours unless flagged)

dont worry about anything,theres a lot of people on this forum cough cough donk and mal and loreing that spread misinformation.a lot of us definitely see your point and agree with you.and,for the most part,i think like 98 percent of this forum is on your side lmao

ok donk not really im sorry

my grmamar is because i spilled cream soda onmy keyboard and i put it in rice adn now rice is stuck in my keyboard but thats irrelevant. this kind of targetted harrasment is what led to hjm making a post like that in the first plcae because of this kind of toixicity! just because he trolls forums doesnt mean he deserves to be removed from internet. you are more mal like than “me”

yea i dont understand why people think i am like mal?!? i am nothijng like mal i dont spread misinfiormation

I mean, you’re definitely not like Mal for sure. The reason people might think you’re Mal is because of the previous posts, like “how to get tester” and such, while Mal was still on the go. Grammar is out of the question though so you’re fine

okay first those first few lines were pretty funny but like,about mal,he doesnt JUST troll the forum he also spreads misinformation.i agree yeah he shouldnt be removed from the internet because,in the end,who are we to decide?but,you have to admit,he does troll and spread misinformation a lot

i post questions because i wish to learn about the functionality and the innerworking of game

That’s true,and no i am not saying you are mal at the moment(i just wanted to make sure)

his trolls do not effect me because we have people whjo vigilantly correct him and he should just be known to be wrogn

okay good because i do not want to be silenced by this forum once more

sorry about the reply i left in malay btw,i really did not see any rules about it just now.