He’s not even trying to hide it at this point
Sometimes I wonder what percentage of people banned for being rb1 were just people who talked like rb1
Imagine being alt questioned when you join the forums. I just walked in and they thanked me for not being an alt without doing anything.
Their mistake. They’ll never know.
So we’re clear, rb1, or as his actual username was, Morden, was a user who was banned for breaking ToS and just being a general pain in the arse. He has come back to repeat his actions many times in the forms of various alts and in different ways, such as Zeit-Ende reacting to every post he could find. Gets banned every time, happens basically when he feels like it, and absolutely no one likes him.
If you’re confused, don’t worry, it took me ages to learn who he was too.
Welcome to forums btw
Interestingly, in places other than the forums he seems to be significantly more sane
I am not being held at gunpoint by rb1 to say this
Well at least I got a kickstart to forum lore XD
There’s more lore here than there is to the game.
As rb0, I can confirm that this person doesn’t know what they’re talking about. This Ech-oh person is actually rb5, or rb alt number 5.
Quite the diverse population here, nice to meet y’all!
Welcome not rb1!
Brother does not remember the Ozy alt, nobody expected it
We welcome you back rb1
hello possibly-rb1-but-probably-not welcome to the forums
I joined on March of 2023, was this alt before that?
It was outed around September of 2023
But I think this is the longest surviving alt (as we know so far)
Ah, alright. I don’t remember this user in the slightest.
The fact that the debate on wether im an rb1 bot or not is still on is making even me question myself ;-;