A pet peeve you have?

what is one of your pet peeves?

I’ll name one, for example, artists who think that just saying “use reference images” to another artist and refuse to go in depth on any other helpful tip or trick, is a valid and helpful thing.

Like no the fuck it is not, honestly pretty much every artist gets by now why reference images are important. just saying “oh duhhh use reference imaghes guh huh” is kinda insulting if I’m being real.


People that don’t like cookies

people who ride obnoxiously loud vehicles nearby neighborhood zones and people who bring infants onto planes

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T and G

I despise people leaning against my chair

(He gets zero.)

  • having an idea or suggestion and people just saying “no” when you tell them what it is

  • the second I wanna play a game my parents need me to do something

  • telling people something I genuinely care about and they just don’t give a shit

people yelling in my fucking ear

AHHHH EAT MORE COOKIES!!! :cookie::cookie::cookie::boom::boom::boom: (yells in your ear)

Writers who think all villains need to be redeemable

being unable to wear a magical glass ball on my head always

necroing this to share this huge pet peeve I have.

I swear to God, I get so miffed when I see this:

(no hate of course to the people in this image, just the system giving me pings for reactions)

like, no, I don’t care that I got reactions on 1 random post, but I get excited and think I got a reply only to be moderately disappointed.

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:slight_smile: I will necro react your posts typ.

You can’t stop me.

No one can.


having to redo literally any school assignment (or anything) and also Lord elius’ teleport jumps

  • telling people what my interests are, and they dont give a single fuck abt it, which can only leave it up to my online friends who ACTUALLY care abt it
  • being too loud when im trying to be quiet, im a extrovert, and yk i can get loud… sometimes