A pristine PvP montage

not the best but this is my first time editing a video, hope ya’ll enjoy the clips :pray:


@WarmWater this one’s for u bro I got like a minute and a half of 20 shot clips in here

wow, those are some bad players

also bruh you have some nasa supercomputer 3 ping along with your opponent lagging (how the hell do they take damage from your shot after they dash like god), not to mention earth magic increasing it’s size by a bunch

now try using it without a 700 dollar pc nor any relevant gear, against an actually competent opponent without any imbues

this aint a normal W


Straight up fire :fire:

Dang, how many builds do you have?

everything in the comp at the end was from my guildmates lol

all my clips in this vid are from my Earth Warlock, Earth Paladin, Sand Warlock, Thermo Warlord, or Knight

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W compilation, good to see all that hard work pay off

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god aim is all I see


must not… get tempted… to switch to thermo…


are you fighting in testament of othrys?

nah, busy irl and focusing on other things ingame + no reward so it ain’t really for me

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i don’t know whether to be glad that you won’t be able to wipe the floor with me or whether to be sad that you won’t be able to wipe the floor with me

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guess i’ll just watch your clips and see if that can improve me

we block


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Knight being clearly the best one there (I may or may not be biased :new_moon_with_face:)

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man of a million builds

man of 4(ish) builds*

Always a pleasant surprise to hear Tyler in the wild

W clips

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