A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers

A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers
effort 4.371428571428571 35 quality 4.473684210526316 38 reasonability 4.347826086956522 46

The needs of the many is to not be outclassed in pvp. Forced combat is a real issue this game has, and gankers shouldnt be at even more of an advantage because they nolife treasure charts.

there are lost sets and lesser lost sets that will fix this issue. If you get them, then congrats, if you dont need them for your build you have a huge boost in trading

I do not think modified gear would make enough of a difference to turn or escape a gank in and of itself, I feel it is more of a skill thing, either giving someone the slip or turning the fight around from being on the initial back foot. Boss equipment is only slightly worse stat-wise than modified generic level cap gear.

This might help the issue, depending on how popular the lost items are. It might not be enough, and it would still be a chance at 2 different jackpots with very little if anything between the win big or win nothing.

considering how savvy the commity is with valuing things on usefulness vs rarity, they will absolutely be valuble

…Save Arcane Society. Typ0!


anyways my thoughts

people already have a bunch of modified armor so either its gotta be kept or changed.

Abyssal would have to come from deep waters not charts.

otherwise i kinda like it, i could swap atlantean for frozen or blasted so i don’t have insanity (or grind for essence)

I sure do love bumping controversial suggestions

why is this even controversial

sure it might sound bad in theory to some, but if it was implemented I guarantee it would make the game better. why wouldn’t it?

it would make the game SO MUCH WORSE because people just LOVE ao’s grinding /s

this /s is carrying a lot of weight here

wowza 50 votes

The funny thing is modifiers were supposed to make chest loot more worthwhile in builds compared to boss drops, but I just avoid them because they’re 10x worse to grind.

Thank you for reminding us of what they were meant to be about: An incentive to actually go and do your otherwise useless treasure charts, which is what it did, it’s just that having to gamble isn’t so nice.
Why? Because time is a cost.

Screw modifiers

All my homies hate modifiers

This is an idea i had for a very long time but i never really bothered to type it out and suggest it cause i had a feeling that itd just get looked over. Im happy other people think of this. Getting a specific modified gear of your choice is just a huge time sink especially if you’re looking for a blasted piece.

I dont know if being able to applied modifiers to boss gear and sunkens is bad, i think its pretty cool if you could because it gives you greater build flexibility. but idk could also be unbalanced.

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After reading all these argumentative forum replies, I think that I can finally understand why Vetex hates the AO community now. lmao :sleeper:

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With this treasure I summon

Divine club welcomer, @Dudeman

Also you’ve been lurking for a year wtf

Thanks for the warm welcome! Also, I’ve had this account for a while, but I just haven’t used it for anything other than lurking. lol :joy:

I like the suggestion, the way I’d implement this would be like this:

  • Modifier essences can not be applied to Sunken items, Dark Sealed Chest items, Lost Chart items and Boss items. Pretty much everything that cannot currently get the modifiers to maintain balance.
    • When attempting to apply to these items an error would appear “Only Atlantean Essence can be applied to this item!”
  • Each chart has a chance to give one after completing the last treasure spot but legendary charts are guaranteed to always drop one. (Affected by luck)
    • Example chances: Common: 20%, Uncommon 40%, Rare: 60%, Exotic 80%, Legendary 100%

Forgive me if my points have already been stated I am not reading all the replies.


@Mr_hyperspace ping me