A question for the Admins/Leaders

To sum it up, I got banned on the discord. Does this mean I get banned on the forum? If that’s the case, someone please tell me so I can accept it.

No, you won’t get banned on the Forums

imagine being banned

imagine :frcryin:

The forum has plenty of people who were banned in discord (and even ingame) so yeah you’re fine.

Just don’t cause trouble here.

Don’t worry I won’t, I didn’t even mean to break the rule back in the discord.

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you’re fine here, people banned on discord aren’t banned here
i mean look at inferno, he was permabanned MULTIPLE TIMES on the discord and now he’s a tester after gaining popularity here

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But…you get FIVE warnings!

Well yeah, the other ones were also mostly accidental (wall text, starting drama, etc)

Alright, good to know

No, as long as what you did on the discord wasn’t too bad like a vetex ping would be ok.

Don’t worry, it wasn’t a vetex ping

I’m saying a vetex ping wouldn’t get you banned here I just phrased it badly.

Oh, okay