A question to warlocks

How often do you use focus, if at all?
or do you just prefer the 120/130 stat spread?

screw strength 150 magic
ive never used aura

Thats a MAGLOCK :sob:

150 magic bucko

I always forget it’s there. Besides, it takes up like 20% of my energy
why tf would I use it when it handicaps my potential in a fight, bruh?

i use it quite a bit but it’s very overrated

Yeah, I use it
Focus is funny

I only use it in pvp

focus is cool (I use ice sailor)
get it?

Anyways, 100/150 means axe slash the moment level cap raises

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Every hybrid (except warlord) getting axe slash on nimbus sea release

The conjurers/paladins/knights pulling up with the strength hybrids (except warlord) with Axe Slash:

I’d like to welcome you, to my axe-slash society

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I focus before I aggro an NPC but never otherwise

use resistance focus for faster regen or something idk my warlock main friend said it’s the only good focus.

Resistance focus works more like damage reduction than regen, since once it ends you’ll still be at the same percentage of health as you had in focus.

130/120 warlock

s/\v/\nt /\s well

Technically a hybrid

i was just saying you forgot savant

I use Auras over Focus, but usually I end up forgetting about it. I don’t see a reason to not go for a Power Aura/Focus, at least on my Warlock (Acid w/ Basic Combat).