A Replacement for Legendary Scales

A Replacement for Legendary Scales
effort 4.444444444444445 18 quality 4.368421052631579 19 reasonability 4.571428571428571 21

I meant leave fishing alone bec what are you gonna do to improve it
you didn’t even answer my question

you just make legendary scales just with a different method to acquire, that doesn’t really change fishing

Should have worded it better, and now you are facing the consequences of it.

I said leave it alone and then that I agree that fishing is bad what was else am I supposed to say

This suggestion has nothing to do with changing fishing, why would I care about that here?
This is removing something that never should have been part of fishing.

If you want to know how that previous fishing suggestion went, go back and find it, I’m not going to go over it here because it is completely irrelevant.

Should have mentioned two of those things in the same sentence, it’s not that hard to do.

ok bro I don’t remember talking to you tho

this is only furthering my belief that chatting on its own in suggestions should require a role.

i was only saying on how you could’ve improved your wording with that one sentence that got the suggestions’s rating low, it’s not that hard to do.

I very much agree. I’ve always wanted to have to actually look for reagents hard, having to actually find luck reagents would be great rather than just “feesh”

plus it makes luck 5 not snowball real hard

luck is mostly used for fishing tho

That is changing very soon regardless of if this suggestion goes through or not.

This idea would be awesome honestly, it’s a genuinely good incentive to got into the deep areas of the dark sea. Maybe limit them to certain island if you want or even the epicenter possibly.

Also, just ignore optical please. He’s just being idiot who can’t moderate himself right now.

optical stop being yourself please

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Right now the only really rare reagent is Acrimony (err Dark Sea Diamond a little maybe) so another actually rare reagent, especially with such a strong effect, would be pretty nice

I think if this would go through, Vetex might re-enable Luck affecting fishing since it wouldn’t result in snowballing
Also Tyche’s Tears sounds cool


Keep this man on the STOVE! I have always despised and been confused we we need to fish for days to get these guys legit… I beleive this would be a great change! Thank you Mr. Existence for elaborating on this

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that’s not what it’s meant to specifically

ye but thats what 90% of ppl use it for

probably because of the very fact that you get them from fishing

ye and bec that’s what it’s the most useful for

other thing is chests

I like this. Earning Luck through playing the game normally instead of relying solely on RNG for better RNG