A rift to purgatory has opened!

Okay, you’ve probably read the title. A rift has opened leading to retcon purgatory, and you can take out one person, or thing.
So in short, if you could bring back one retconned thing, be it a character, a piece of worldbuilding or hell, even fucking magius, what are you bringing back?

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Probably I’d bring back Durza as the name i know it was never official but I like it better than archeon


wat’s purgatory

sir i’m afraid that’s not the question

sire I’m afraid what I asked is a question

pretty sure it’s just hell but as a vacation home until you become good or something

I see, so it’s

that’s the dictionary definition, yeah

I’m bringing back my goat, the uncontested, the true unkillable…


isn’t he just some dude named cthulu like kraken and leviathan



the question is like when fortnite did that thing where you could vote on what to bring back to the game when loot lake opened up

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mud magic or minds


kinda thought it was like that but alr

make the 3rd sea a giant landmass with few rivers in it for the ships :fr:


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I’m yeeting most of current lore into it
AU is now just its own universe with places like Ian’s cross and Oberon

Wasnt that the 5th sea (Mainland)?

bring back freedrock doubling his power instead of the golden ratio (or whatever it was he scales off now, i forgot)

i’m gonna bring back the entire continent and just drop it on mount othrys or something