A short story

A world generated, three massive kingdoms…

The Wikians, amass knowledge and gatekept power.
The Forumers, a bastion of progress and chaos, generating characters that eventually created ripples throughout the world.
Finally… most dangerous of all… the vetcordians.

With these kingdoms came about offspring, the galleon, the database, the balancers and many more…
And on one day, one man made a promise… “I will destroy the wall that divide these kingdoms ! I will create one peace !”

To that, he was executed… false promises faded into whispers and whispers into a memory, he had disappeared in history… “my name is Spicy C. Tuna !”

is the c short for camu

yessss :3

That was tried already
Forumers went like 3 days or something before someone gave in and had to start shitting on the wiki
Then the wiki did the same
Good thing both sides voted majorly in favor of shutting the fuck up

Does the subreddit count as a kingdom, or is it more of an outcast group set away from civilized society?

the hermits

fuck I forgot about the subreddit