A statue of the forums

Alright, thanks for the clear-up

are you still looking for that hair

That’s a no to multiple AO characters from the same person unfortunately.
(I might be interested in how Artemis Anchor looks though, I do enjoy his steel anchor issues :] )

The other hair for @/Desti ?


I kinda just went on with it, but @/Catean should have use for it:

We’re missing Hair # 86 which Walter uses

i’ll find it

Fellow person with Anchor files right now

Let’s go!

Ok so I apparently can’t do this pose with this specific character or else roblox bans me for a day ;v;

i have given up

i use this on my file, its “young yoshimi hair” on the catalog, scaled to make it lower in ao though

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also damn did roblox really ban you for a sitting pose?

Possibly the hardest time I’ve had finding accessories, and still haven’t found that second hair actually… Walter White is killing me in more ways than one

<Walter readies his weapons!>



Yes, I’m banned for a day so now I can finally go out and touch grass

This was the one that got me banned:

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ok i sort of see it right
look at where is sat


probably just my dirty mind tbh

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This is way better than any ao character. just this.

Noted, will add

No wayy, I’ve been looking for this for the last 2 days! Thank you!