(really hoping I make it in man)
A fellow Ice conjuror! Glad to see there’s a surprising amount of them. What’s your favorite weapon? Mines probably the musket or stave.
Joseph Graves, a mysterious entity who remains cloaked behind a translucent sphere and disguise. They say no one has seen their face. And those who do… don’t live to tell the tale.
< Graves guides the souls! >
yours is coming
whos on the list btw
Everyone on the thread, at least until I get to 50. After 50, I’m going to pick them myself depending on what I have time for.
once youre done, will you release a roblox place with all the statues
Yup for sure!
I’m planning on adding it to my main place
I’m so close
Aye, I’m working on it right now :P.
I’ve wanted to make this one for a while! Thanks for sending links to the hairs you found on the catalogue, those saved me from giving up quite a few times. Specially the Silk Black hair that I needed for one of the other statues. I’m quite proud of my particle work on this one. Thanks for all the times we’ve fought in AO and fun we’ve had.
Corrina, who floats with the wind. A powerful wind mage that wants to reunite with her brother. They say she occasionally guides lost sailors from the fog with her gusts and sends the unyielding storms against pirates she dislikes.
< Corrina takes flight! >
out of curiosity, about how many are done currently?
28/50 Statues are done at the moment
Keyy, can you send a better picture, it’s hard to see the character.
Okay that’s freaking awesome.
aaaaaaaaaye thanks man, looks dope as fuck
just zoom in I can’t really send a better picture
I can try, but my computer is REALLY slow
It’ll probably take like 20 minutes. I’m not even kidding.
Actually, it’ll take way less time if I don’t have to actually log into the game. I can just screenshot on the title screen, except with full screen this time.