A statue of the forums

love it man, AMAZING! 50 statues, DAYUM!!

You can rest now… :saluting_face:

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@Bio me and @NineBangerz made it here :smile:

Never stop cooking :fire:

Hello people
I ask you once again
Can you put me on the statue
Name is Bobby Ankh, Moonlight and Metal Mage, very intellectual, likes to think about everything
He is a nomad and trying to unite all the War Seas and decreasing the misery of that place

The pose is levitating with the arms opened

Can you put me I asked once before but it has been ignored

all 50 statues have already been completed, it seems you were too late

Oh well, the trains fully booked. Better luck next time

imagine bio does this every sea

Me and crimson got sneaks of it yesterday and the statue is truly astonishing.

place was certainly beautiful
didn’t expect the cat-ears to stay as well
guess Im a cat here

Now you may be at peace now!!
gonna see what the numbers mean



I really wish I could play and see all the statues but it’s great that you’ve finished!

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lmao but where is my colour :angry:

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here’s yours

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This is beautiful. Thank you for this wonderful place, Bio!

Made a little something

(Thanks Bio, for the arcanely astonishing statues)

heehee there’s maddox

what’s mine

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it’s fucking sick but hold on i gotta do something before i can get online

holy shit is there a menacing katakana coming off from them???

that’s crazy