A statue of the forums

wait bio can you post this in art?

i mean its kind of a collaborative piece and people post like renders in art

post it in art it’ll be cool

Sure why not :]


Why is this square clickable???

hey that’s me!

checklist/ quote according to HTML5

One journey, ends, another begins!

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yooo its done i gotta check this out as soon as i can
i didnt give much input after i first submitted my character but i still want to see my character there
and also god damn good work man

Screenshot 2023-06-12 205337

I love it.

My deed is done.
now I shall retreat to lurking to forums :pensive:


It really was an Arcane chapter in this World of Magic


when nimbus sea comes out, you can do this again

with people who didn’t get to be in last time, people who are new to forums

and at the center of the second platform you can have techlevel

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What about third sea centre statue? :thinking:

Can y’all let em rest please :sob:


lmao i didnt get in… or did i?


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I just got a chance to go into the place on a siblings computer and wow, it’s epic, I spent an embarrassingly long time trying to find the book and the firefly but thanks so much for mentioning me in the special inscriptions! Akos looks even cooler statuified in person!

@Bio Hi, have you forgot about my character? Cuz I was afk for… week or 2 maybe? And I didn’t got many pings and the topic is pretty big for searching…

its already finished, they arent adding more statues