A statue of the forums

My screenshot was like 500+ messages ago. Well, maybe its already was finished, but pretty strange.

Sorry the First guaranteed 50 ended with @Elly :cry:
Unfortunately yours was just two away :confused:

Oh, okay.

I’m sure this is probably not appropriate to mention now, but I don’t think the title my character ended up with is entirely appropriate? The description is fine, but I think “The Witness”, or something similar, would be a better fit?

Bio I can’t thank you enough honestly Everything turned out super cool! And being remembered like this is really special.
Reading everyone’s descriptions was also fun too.
Once again thank you so much bro!!


how about me bio? 1 away? 6 away?

i’d be Archenhailor, The PvP Enthusiast/The Metamancer/The RKer

She is quite literally chaos in the mortal plane. Her goal is to become the absolute best PvPer in the entire world and an emperor of the sea.

Oh my god, why so much edgy?
Maybe not mortal, but moral plan?

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i like pvp and renown

grand navy assault 4


i like to see it!

You can’t be talking, edgelord

I am back from the dead and oh my, what a pleasant surprise this is

I am a little late ngl but I am absolutely filled with awe in seeing this, and then one of my characters being able to be added amongst these special people, thank you so much

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