A very basic guide to quantum computing

Quantum computing is normally a very, very complex subject. It is about using super powerful computers that preform calculations, based on the probability of an objects state BEFORE it is measured/quantified, instead of the traditional 1’s and 0’s used in binary. allowing these very specialized machines to solve significantly more complex problems with relative ease compared to the binary computers most use today.

Most normal computers used today carry out logical operations based on the definite position of a physical state, usually binary, these single states can be up, down, left, right, 1, 0. These states are known as “bits”

Now in quantum computing, these computers use an undefined quantum state, this is known as a “qubit”. These states are undefined properties of a specific object before they have been detected. For example: the spin of an electron or the polarization of a photon.

Rather than having a determined position, these unmeasured states have an unclear, “superposition.” Similar to a coin spinning in the air before it lands on a side.

In order for these quantum computers to properly work, a superposition must be held long enough for the calculations to be executed, unfortunately if a superposition collides with an already determined state, this qubit becomes a regular old bit again. This is known as a decoherence.

These “superpositions” are entangled with those of other objects, leaving the result to cause these to be mathematically related even if we have no idea what they are yet.

These complex “spinning coins” can be applied to very specialized algorithms that most binary computers would take ages to solve, even if a binary computer could solve such a complex problem.

Such algorithms are helpful in various tasks involving complex equations, such as cracking hard to depict codes, or determining factors in chemical equations such as particle interactions.

Quantum computing is a much more technical and complex subject, this small essay I wrote is a small sliver of basic information on how quantum computing works.


but why

not reading all that

I’m happy for u tho

or sorry that happened


-the same mfs who are obsessed and constantly discuss an eleven page document of lore for a block gam

ngl this was a horrible usage of this meme tho

“ngl this was a horrible usage of this meme tho” :nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face:

find it sad you enjoy making fun of people for trying to be intelligent

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“trying to be intelligent” my guy you just paraphrased an article

it does take a deep understanding of the subject to actually be able to explain how something as complex as quantum computation works im just kidding here
that dont make you any less of a nerd tho

I wrote the whole thing myself.

forun tre to detect jook e like

did you have a stroke?

(no offense if this is something but like what are you saying lmao)


forum user tries to decect joke challenge (impossible)



Love it how ppl are attacking sandal after he tries to be helpful :/.


This is peak AO forums right here.

Forum try not to steal joke that was said in same topic (99.9999% fail)

I have not read the lore doc :moyai: