A Way to Edit Clans

A Way to Edit Clans
effort 4.333333333333333 6 quality 4.5 6 reasonability 4.9 10

explain this to me then

Don’t care, statement is fake and cringe :3

Sure, I mean why not?

i think they update the image decal ( which keeps the same ID i think ) to something else

surely this has been suggested, or was planned… surely… the solution 2 doesn’t look like people gonna be happy with that, especially people trying to find the right clan cover( does it look right? hmmm ).

the cooldown idea someone suggested sounded nice, as a clan leader i can confirm that the leader can change the name, rank names and description ( think that’s all ), there may be a method to change clan logo but it’s very limiting and the colour can be annoying for alot of people especially when it makes things difficult to read ( clan description )

other than that, this change is overdue, i’m hoping we get these with the clan update, i’m sure it’s already planned though.

Hell yeah!!!
I deleted my 3,4k infamy clan (i was solo) just bc the logo and colors were shi
Now i created a clan with nice logo but idk if i got the colors right, since theres no explenation to which color box changes what
Like what does “logo color” change? The text or the backround or what!!!

no that’s not how you do it but nice guess (gang secret stays gang secret)


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