AA : TGA - The Greek Pantheon

Wow bitchless AND second rate? Pick a struggle ares

So a couple days ago I found out about a myth involving Hephaestus and Athena. I know not all myths are necessarily connected and are usually made by different authors and I don’t necessarily have to consider them all “canon”, but I don’t think I’m gonna be able to like Hephaestus like I used to anymore. I dunno this myth was really fucked I still wanna like the guy cause again not all myths are part of the same “canon” and I’m really sympathetic towards him cause of the raw deal he got early on, but this myth was so screwed it really messed up my perception of the guy.

Yeah it’s not necessary to abide to all of existing myths if you wanna use a pantheon, no god was really safe from horrendous shit in “canon” Greek myth

All of the gods were not immune to doing heinous shit. Even Athena the considered victim of that myth has done some terrible things in her own right.

They were divine, but the gods were just as human as us, and humans have the capacity to do some terrible, terrible things.

was it by any chance written by a guy named ovid?

I got no clue, but I do know the guy who was born as a result of what Hephaestus did is mentioned in the Iliad, but that’s about all I know.

Nope, that one was actually canon and not made by Ovid.

You know, as much as we’re bashing on Ares, last I checked, the man’s actually pretty tame. Like, besides just being stated to be a brat, and that whole affair with Aphrodite, has he actually done anything… wrong? Sure, he’s the god of war and all, but most wars seem to be started by the other gods, not him. Including the Trojan war.

ares is the goat on god…

when Im level 600 Imma solo the pantheon

I would assume any war not mentioned in mythology would’ve been assumed to have been at least partially caused by Ares since war is his thing, but that is just speculation on my part.