AA : TGA - The Greek Pantheon

Featuring the whole Pantheon and a couple extras. I was gonna render more but I have 3 college tests next week and if I take too long to render it, I’ll end up abandoning it so yeah

This is my design interpretation of the Major Greek Gods in the Arcane World, A good amount of them will be used in my story or just for funsies. I lowkey woke up and told myself “Damn, I wanna draw a big piece with multiple characters that isn’t just a reference lineup”, so this WAS my first time doing this type of thing.

Decent amount of the gods I already had designs for (which I posted before), some of them I didn’t, mainly Hera which was partially inspired by JTN’s design of her. If ya wanna guess which one is which, don’t open the 2nd Hidden Details tab.

Overall, was a fun thing to draw, I didn’t really struggle drawing the poses which I predicted. Easiest was Poseidon and Hardest was Dionysus. See ya whenever

Main Canvas Layer Count: 43
Side Canvas Layer Count: 50
Total Layer Count: 93

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Process (Line Up Reveal)

God Lore Fun Facts I made up or Changed
  • Persephone is equal in power with Hera (if not stronger) whenever she’s Queen of the Underworld, aka Despoina/Dread Persephone, for the Winter
  • Hera has a personal spirit weapon called “Artemis’ Bow”, which is literally just Artemis’ Bow but imbued with Hera’s Blessing and only has melee attacks
  • I took away villain status Hades
  • Screenshot (4824)
Extra Doodles


Jeez, I commend you for this accomplishment. I can’t imagine how long it took…

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Eth has done it again, they have cooked a masterpiece.

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Woww!! Incredible work!! Love the attention to detail in every little outfit you gave them!! Hard work pays off :crossed_swords:

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Aphrodite actually liking Hephaestus? Beautiful

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Who’s the guy in between Hades and Ares and the guy next to Dionysus

…and where’s hermes

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the guy next to hades and ares?? do you mean hermes

and the guy next to dionysus???
are you talking to the one at the top, the one on his bottom left or the one at his bottom right

because then the yellow dressed one is aollo,
the green one is demeter (a woman)
the one with fire is hestia (also a woman)
and i dont think ur talking about poseidon (pretty obvious)

also ethereal… please teach me how to draw pathetic men (im joking. or am i)

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That’s Demeter??

that did not look like a woman to me until I zoomed in on the image

anyways makes sense now

oh my days that is my Hera!!

Apparently Hades’ and Persephone’s favorite activity in the underworld is…


Cerberus is a high maintenance doggo, and Persephone is just powerful herself

Dangit, so you’re telling me they don’t even have to work to get shredded?:sob:

Pretty much

aaaaaaand then Cursebeard and his army genocided them all :fr:

I see it this way

Poseidon and Apollo: Obviously with Cursebeard
Zeus, Hera, Athena, Ares, Artemis: Dead
Dionysus, Demeter, Hermes: Most likely dead as well
Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hestia, Hades, Persephone: Survived the War

Though there’s still a matter of other gods siding with Cursebeard other than Poseidon and Apollo but hey

This is truly beautiful work

The anatomy studies you did were perfect. The poses are flawless. The amount of detail put into the Greek Gods and in general, just the individual attention you gave every one of them is magnificent.

Keep cooking and good luck on your college tests :fire:

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Iirc the Apollo that sided with Cursebeard wasn’t the god Apollo but just a dude who shared the same name so god Apollo could still very well be dead.

Fuck yes Greek pantheon mention

Love the details you put into each of their designs, they’re all so recognizable.

Thank you for fixing Hephaestus and Aphrodite’s marriage I’m sure Ares is very salty about that

He’s a lot more pissed at Athena for generally being the better War God, he ain’t got time for love in a constant state of rage