AA Webcomic - Chapter 38 Part 1

that’s exactly why ee is one of my favourite power systems

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How did our boy Landon lose the curse only for it to be inherited by Leringer. How are you trying to convince me that the Cloud Curse user could get jumped by some Ravenna landlubbers on CIRRIUS ISLAND.

I remember a while back someone noticed that the Order Initiates had wounds and scratches when we run into them, and Neviro said he heard a loud fight going on.

Beringer did not go down without a fight. Plus, they probs did cheat using numbers and potions against him.

Not only that, Beringer JUST had the Curse if Landon held it previously, so he was likely somewhat inexperienced with the Curse. Landon supposedly dies to Chaos later on, AO happens just a mere month after Dura vs PK, meaning that Beringer wouldve had the Curse for less than a month…

cant wait

this is truly a peak webcomic


something about this panel makes it so grandiose it’s amazing :frcryin:

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I couldn’t ask for a better representation of landon

where can one read arcane abyss

jack flippimg the camera off gives me much serotonnin

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peak has returned :fire_magic: