Aabraham828's Sunken and Boss Drop Store (REVAMPED!)

Aabraham828's Sunken and Boss Drop Store (REVAMPED!)
convenience 5.0 9 fairness 5.0 9 trustworthiness 5.0 9

yo i got a clean oathkeeper and a clean vastira
what can those get me here? im looking for some minotaur gear

you have discord?


give me it


gib hadles hed plz image

poor :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

redistribute the wealth from the rich


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Trade Logs:
Gains: Clean Oathkeeper, Clean Vastira, nimble minotaur helmet

Loss: 3x clean minotaur helm, 2x minotaur chestplate, 2x minotaur pants

i will trade swift minotaur helmet for clean

You got another one? Sure

sorry never mind, I mistake swift for nimble.

What would it take for your whole mino helmet inventory? :mariomug:

I don’t know what you have, can you give me an offer?

i got a clean exiled helm and chestplate, ill take clean mino chestplate and boots for it

deal :nod:


trading never made sense to me for some reason. maybe it will later.

I can do that.

What time would you be available to trade today?

I can do it now if you are available