About freedrock

although its hard for the young wizard to handle the death of their mentor, they do not mind being taught by the wise warrior.

if anything, it made them curious of the past, on how theos met the warrior in the first place, and how he got the lazarus curse in the first place.

one night, the young wizard woke up from their slumber and saw freedrock standing near the edge of a cliff.
curious, the young wizard approached him.

“freedrock, what are you looking at?” they asked.
he turned to his side, and saw the wizard. “ah, do not mind me. i am completely fine…”

but they knew something was wrong with him, a part pf them knew that he was relieving his past with regret.

(no i have no idea what i just typed)


“freedrock, what are you looking at?” they asked.

he turned to his side, and saw the wizard. “Irrelevant.”

if you know, you know


The fact that I’ve written basically this exact same scene says a thing or two about the character

“What’s your name?”
“What did you eat for breakfast?”


WOOOOOO MORE FREEDROCK ART!! :purple_heart::purple_heart: (complete sentence)
