About Paladin Builds

What do you guys think would be the best Paladin Stat Distribution for this update?

Given that it’s only one Spirit Weapon Rite right now, it’s the same as it always was: highest possible amount in your non-Vitality stat, and the rest in Vitality. Guessing you could do it the other way around if you want the largest Spirit Blast possible, but why would you actually consider that?

current one i use is 160m and 120v

Currently having access to auras can be nice so 150 magic is good.

I feel the point of Paladin currently is having extra health and that sweet regen so the rest goes to vitality.

So 130 Vitality and 150 Magic is good.

You can forget about auras and go for less magic tho.

why dont you do the opposite

130 vitality
150 magic
In my opinion

whatever gets you this

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