About the characters

Hi again! :grin:
Recently, I’ve been reflecting on the original characters I created for the game, which some of you have shown appreciation and love for. Now, let me introduce the lineup.


The original three! Theres Sonata the Iron Maiden, first concept of Vienna, and Amedeo being Amedeo.


The ‘finalized’ version of the OG line up, where Sonata would indicate her tough exterior were just a mere illusion in the eyes of public, Vienna bettering herself to become a bounty hunter or some sort and her appearance aswell! And Amedeo being too deep into her character.


The recent line up I’ve been messing around a lot lately, Sonata is now literally a… baby, Vienna now belongs to @4444man and V had to take place (which is technically the same character if you all hadn’t notice), and Amedeo finally broke.

Now, the issue lies in the recent lineup, which has become chaotic due to my constant experimentation with the characters’ concepts and development. The original lineup was initially a single undeveloped concept, but your positive response has prompted me to reconsider their direction. I even find myself dissatisfied with how things are laid down for them.

Part of me believes they might be beyond repair, while another part suggests taking the time to experiment further and find the right narrative for each character to foster their development. Alternatively, I am considering creating an entirely new lineup with well-thought-out concepts that I believe you all would like even more!

So, a poll need to be made for the sake of the decision, and I want you all to choose! Feel free to send your thoughts on the reply section as well.

  • Take my time on bettering the characters of the current line up
  • Make a new line up which consists of an entirely different group of people
0 voters

start writing for the other characters…

make a battle royale between all 9

Amedeo solos.

Which one?


1 Like

Additional notes:
I might as well just introduce the new line up anyway while keeping the one I have right now, seeing the vote

Honestly, Sonata is very far from being irrepairable. If anything, her current depiction feels like an extension of her underneath feelings from the previous iteration having just been a harsh exterior and weak and tender interior.
She’s probably the easiest to fix up - you just need to marry both of those concepts together, as they’d weld together pretty easily, honestly. Sonata’s a complete and total beast on the battlefield, but she’s pretty emotionally jealous and vulnerable - part of why she has become so much of a wreck around the forums when they showed intrigue and kindness to her, while wanting more people to take note of her, or because her enemies suddenly took her less seriously (so she did the Iris cosplay and the ASMR stuff)

I might be reading into it way too much, but it feels pretty logical it’d go this way. Sonata’s not beyond repair, she just needs some real confidence and reassurance :+1:


From a marketing standpoint, you should stick to the three, they’re all ingrained in my brain right now.

Or you can do both?

five from devil may five cry five

@Virge13579 Its possible


Damn they all got crazy :sob: