About the Roleplay category

Join other forum members in community-driven stories that build themselves! Join a dastardly group of wizards trying to usurp the government, or a band of bandits looking for hidden treasure here! Anyone can participate, so don’t be afraid to join in!

Rules are below!

  1. Follow all forum rules and general writing rules! Refer back to them if ever confused.
  2. There will be a certain way to set up a roleplay, and it is as follows–
  • All new roleplays must have a base story and a member fillout form. The base story must build the basis of what your story is going to be about, and is encouraged to be as enticing as possible. Remember, the way you want the roleplay to move is relative to how much effort you put into the base story! A member fillout form is required for people that want to join.

  • The Roleplay topic must be labeled “[ACCEPTING] Roleplay Title” during the stage where you are accepting members. You can assign a cutoff date for fillout forms, or you can decide when to stop it after you get however members you want.

  • Once you close the fillout forms, you will then be able to start the roleplay! You are encouraged to write the first reply, setting the scene and allowing easy replies towards it. Remember, you are creating a dialogue between every member of the roleplay, and anyone can chip in at any time. During this stage, you are to change the topic name to “[ONGOING] RP Name”

  • If your roleplay is done or unfortunately stagnates, you will then change the topic title to its final stage, "[FINISHED] RP Name].