About these two suggestions

Add boobs in AO - Suggestions - Arcane Odyssey

Totally horrible idea. Roblox would instantly delete the game.

Lost magic: COVID magic - Suggestions - Arcane Odyssey

Ok no just no.
This suggestion is horrible.
Nobody would like this.


how did you even find the first one
It was A R C H I V E D

latest suggestions

No wonder people have to use /j

vetex himself wanna add boobs
you cant discuss with him



bait post

bro, these suggestions were days ago
Why did you even care enough to post about them :moyai:
Also for the first topic? did you even see the message?

i saw it and the add sex in WoM right next to each other once dude :fr:

its rb1 lol


we already got poison magic

Plague Magic would still be cool tbh, some lost and ancient magics are just base magic(s) on steroid/combined so…

That would be cool as a lost Magic

Can you not take a fucking joke? Jesus christ bro, One of them was made on april fools for gods sake. And when you say “nobody would like this” i can guarantee that there would be some people that’d like it since covid magic would be funni

Also stop trying to find every possible reason to make a post, its annoying to see you post 600 times every two hours

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I didn’t see the April fools on there sorry and what do you mean about COVID Magic being funny?

i meant exactly what i said, there is no further meaning to “covid magic being funny” than covid magic being funny

Oh okay I thought it would make them a bit mad.