Absolutely fodder guy looking for a pvp partner (ill pay u back in retelling u my silly life experiences)

I’m looking for someone to entertain PvP duels with me semi-regularly!

I’m in north america region, I main warrior but I also have secondary files that are conjurer, paladin, and mage. I don’t have much to offer back for your company other than my own company, but I can probably give any gear you want provided im not using it lol

dm me or reply here if you are willing to offer your time! i do prefer you have discord and is 16+ (i just get along better with ppl around my age lol nothing weird) but im not a choosing beggar at all

sure i can

@discobot fortune

should this person get a pvp partner

:crystal_ball: Better not tell you now


Here’s a thread that’s active with some North America people for PVP,

And more :D!

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

as for your age range thing, i’m 15 that should work (i may need help with an item transfer though if you don’t mind)

OH SHOOT I didnt SEE THE SEMI REGULARLY. i just meant if you wanna pvp i can rn whoops sry

Provided I keep getting stable 200 ping in NA region like with motor’s I think I can be your PvP partner on weekends and certain weekdays (due to timezone differences):nod:

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hi, im up to help u, no need to pay me, 2.7K player kills

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I can if you need someone that sucks

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yeahhh sorry this is moreso of a semi regular duel thingy :sob: :sob:

ooh sure! feel free to add me on discord (apoll3r) (i dont feel like replying to the others with the same message for the sakes of not appearing spammy but you guys can send me a request too)

when you say absolute fodder do you mean absolute fodder or do you mean “im just average”

i’m always down to spar with someone
whoops i misread that sorry to ping you rotisserie

it’s all good

i win like 20% of the time

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