Absolutely horrifying idea for an atlantean sublass

things getting heated at the mage pirates community

If you want me to go a bit further than that, it could be that none of the dragons are actually “alive” and are instead all being controlled by these parasites. If I remember correctly all of them died due to something (may have been Acheron’s Earth-shattering blast? Unsure) so I feel like them still being dead but their bodies being controlled by another force could explain why we can find and fight them in the Dark Sea

well the nice thing about this
parasites are not species-compatible and from my guess having fish stuff stuck on you
you can count yourself as another species

btw there is nothing “extremely unusual case” about this mean you saying just replacing the tongue and not killing the host is odd? dude that is the point of being a parasite
hell in this case it helps the Atlanteans

Parasites want to reproduce and survive via leeching off of the host. They do not want them to die instantly, as the host is their habitat.

symbiotic relationship with a PARASITE!? these preposterous FISH must PERISH!!

Even more horrifying (but in a kinda cool (but still squicky) way) idea. What if these parasites could latch onto you, granting powerful abilities (insanity damage healing you, for example) at the cost of permanent insanity effects that can’t be countered by the warded effect?

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eh, nah

sounds like something the sweats would start abusing + that kind of ruins the point of their weirdness and uniqueness if players could use it as well

I don’t mean that a player can equip it like an item. I mean that when it crawls out of a dead enemy, if a player lets it touch them, it’ll actually crawl onto them and play a short animation of it burrowing into their skin. And I imagine that the benefits it grants will come with plenty of other downsides to prevent abuse. Like being unable to ingest ordinary food or potions, and having to kill humans (npcs or other players) and feast on their flesh to stave off starvation, which’ll incur considerable negative Fame every time you do it. Oh, and these things stick with you even after you die and respawn…

that still sounds like a powercreep issue since that would imply people purposefully let them embed themselves so they can get power boosts

it’s just insanity gear with extra steps from your description

also stuff like this is why I’m a bit hesitant about drinking dragon’s blood

Yeah, can’t blame you about the dragon blood thing.

Though this is less a matter of gear that provides extra bonuses and more like a persistent status effect that sticks with you through deaths and revives and requires a fair bit of effort on the player’s part to get rid of. Like the injuries the player suffers after Argos and Calvus, but they require bringing a specific set of rare ingredients to a specific npc to get rid of rather than time.

I mean it would fit perfectly: A weird parasite that wants nothing but to drain you but gives buffs so you kind of have to stick with it

maybe this could be a legendary beast gimmick

so the IRS

Not in America, it only gives the military buffs.