Absurd/silly builds thread

post some stupid builds here

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if only intensity helped my build enough for this to be worth it


sadly my gems are only brilliant

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A reasonable build for my DarkSteel Paladin Darian, and something to be fitted more appropriately when Warden comes out.

Yes i am seriously going to run this, but a more "tame" approach on another similar set.

Why must T2 enchants be a slight pain to obtain.

(Musgravites are not supported by the gear builder)

which musgravites were you planning on using?


Sorry I cant post there that many meta builds there

golden apple ones
anyway does intensity or attack size affect attack destruction? asking for a friend

iirc intensity affects it, unsure though.

a mix of both might do better

made an attack destruction build so strong it destroyed my PC

try not to kys build

silly buildmaxxer (actually kind of decent aside from the warding gg)

It may not be fully complete, (Missing pants and the 4 remaining Armored enchants) but im definitely feeling the pain.

One attack btw.

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