[ABYSS SEA] A Piece Of Jewelry Adorned By Thorns And Gunshots (A Forumers Ocs Matchup Oneshot)

Mirage: “Kinda wanna see two unholy atlanteans clash against each other.”
My goofy ahh brain reacting to this information:

Limestone Key, a regular island that hasn’t suffered much effects from the dark sea. The atlantean population on the island is low, since most of them are weak compared to most other atlanteans. However, there are two exceptions

Hugo Silverthorne, The Atlantean Of The Cretaceous. A huge hunched back atlantean that resembles a Spinosaurus, a dinosaur from the cretaceous. A thick hide mixed with scales makes an impeccable defense while his swimming skills are faster than the average brig. The virtuous crow that was once on his shoulder pad is now a starfish that keeps his sanity stable in this grotesque form. He secludes on Limestone Key to prevent himself from harming others.

Vega Anchor, The Singeing Urchin. As the name suggests, a regular sized atlantean with thorns covering their entire body. His left leg has permanently been fused with iron leg, giving him stiff armour that’s hard to punch through. The spikes covering the atlantean contain a deadly poison that when injected into the blood system, will cause the victim to feel like their burning from the inside, and it will only get worse as time goes on. He occasionally has fights with the Spinosaurus, always tiring each other out until none of them wanted to fight any longer.

It’s quiet…
Hugo wondered.
I miss my crew.

The starfish on his shoulder glowed brightly. The spinosaur pressed his claws on his head in frustration.

Don’t tell me it’s that urchin again.

He looked to the distance, there was no signs of a fight at all. It got him confused as the starfish glowed even brighter than before. He immediately got up from the rock he was sitting on and started to patrol the island.

Is there someone on this island?

There was no signs of human life on the island. It checked the trees, the bushes, even the urchin’s coral cavern where it slept, there was nothing. The spinosaur was visibly confused, what could trigger Victor this much?, he thought.

The starfish stops glowing. It starts crawling into the hat of the spinosaur. He looks into the distance.

A flower of flesh walked out of the water. It’s thin yet long limbs were jagged, emerald green limbs. It’s chest was empty, only containing a ribcage that also held nothing inside. It’s spinal cord was longer than the average human. The legs were the same as the limbs. Once it revealed itself fully, only then the spinosaur realised it was taller than itself.

The shit is that?

An anglerfish atlantean charged at the flower atlantean. It punches one of its legs, followed up with a flurry of punches. The flower atlantean looked towards where the weak punches were coming from. The center of the flower glows green, resembling an eye. It blinks open, revealing jagged teeth as it drooled blood.

While the anglerfish atlantean was still busy punching it, the flower atlantean took a bite out of its head, ripping it off. Its lifeless body fell onto the sand as the sound of bones being crunched was made by the flower atlantean. This act prompted some atlanteans on the island to flee, while some others joined in to feast on the corpse. Once the flower atlantean was finish consuming the head of the anglerfish, it grabbed another random atlantean that was feasting on the corpse by the head with its crystal hand, and ripped it off too. It was a never ending cycle of blood being spilled onto the sand.

What kind of atlantean is that…

The spinosaur grabs his flintlock and starts to aim at the flower atlantean. Struggling to get his claw to pull the trigger, the urchin climbed out of its coral territory. Hugo watched as it ran towards the flower atlantean while it held a ball of fire in their palm. Once the urchin was close enough, it threw the ball of fire at the flower atlantean.


A zap of red lightning redirects the fireball into the ocean. Hugo was visibly surprised. The urchin launches itself into the air with a blast of fire. It coats its left leg with flames as it tries to kick the flower atlantean.

A crystal wall rose. It manages to block the urchin’s kick, but not for long. The flame on its leg raged on, shattering through the wall with ease. However, most of the momentum that was built up was released onto the wall, therefore most of the damage the kick could do was reduced to a minimal.

The flower atlantean grabs the urchin by its left leg as it continued chewing on the severed head of a much weaker atlantean. Since its hands are made out of magic instead of flesh and bone, it was unaffected by the poison that was within the spikes that protrude off the urchin. It slams the urchin into the sand, again, and again, and again before tossing it away. The urchin crashes into a tree right beside the spinosaur.

Ouch… better not involve me into this.

The flower atlantean finishes its meal. It stared directly at Hugo, its mouth salivating blood. It wanted more, it wanted to cleanse its mouth of the horrible taste of flesh it had eaten with something fresh. It hadn’t tasted the flesh of a much more powerful atlantean ever since it was mutated. It wants the main course, and it was going to be crocodile steak with a side of sea urchin roe.

A trident of red was manifested into its hand. It leans backwards, holding the trident further away from its body. It stretched beyond what humans could do. A twist of the spine, and the bolt of red lightning was heading towards the spinosaur.

What is it doing… is that going straight for me… OH CRAP IT IS-

The spinosaur dodges the trident throw. The trident lands on the surface of the water, creating a large shockwave of electric that made the fish that were swimming beneath float up to the surface, charred.

Hugo shoots at the flower atlantean as it sprinted from across the island. The bullet only grazed its ribcage. An emerald trident was conjured from the hands of the flower atlantean. It leapt forward, tearing the ground apart as it did so.


Hugo blocks the atlantean’s trident with the help of his claws. The two were at a standstill, but he knows he will loose to a stamina battle. He grabs onto the trident, throwing it and the flower atlantean into the ocean. He dives in.

The flower atlantean sinks to the bottom of the ocean. Hugo on the other hand, was swimming towards his adversary at a rapid pace. He opens his large jaws in an attempt to bite the flower atlantean’s head off. The flower atlantean flailed around in the water, trying to balance itself. A school of anchovies were scared off as a spinosaur closed in on the flower atlantean.

Hugo bites onto one of the flower atlantean’s arms. He rotates rapidly in the water, trying to tear apart the flower atlantean. Before much harm could be done, the arm Hugo bit on suddenly disappears. A quick glance, the flower atlantean grabbed onto the tail of the spinosaur as another crystal arm was forming. A surge of red lightning flows through its arm, electrocuting Hugo as a result. The spinosaur floats to the surface of the water while the flower atlantean drifted to the seabed.

It finally touched the ground. It surveys the area, nothing but a few shipwrecks and schools of fish. It walks and jumps like an astronaut on the moon, returning to the surface.

A pair of yellow eyes pierced through the darkness of the seabed.

A serpent head atlantean bursted through the shipwrecks like it was nothing. It was holding a sword that was shattered, but is seemingly still being held together by some mysterious force. The magic circle on its arm was also out of this world.

The serpent atlantean growled at the flower atlantean. The flower atlantean opens its crystal eye, locking onto its target. Both atlanteans aim their respective magic circles at each other.

At the last second, the flower atlantean aims to the ground. A large emerald pillar rose from the ground, picking the flower atlantean up to the surface. An amalgamation of darkness comes out the puny magic circle the serpent atlantean casted, completely engulfing half the pillar with it.

The flower atlantean reaches Limestone Key without breaking a sweat. On the island lies the urchin and the spinosaur, both seemingly reaching a mutual agreement that this thing has to die.


A replica of the flower atlantean was constructed from a magic circle. Crystal arms and legs, a ribcage of jewels and a flower of crimson lightning. Though it seems this replica was a little larger than the original. Both the original and the copy made a deep laugh. The flower atlantean zooms towards the urchin while the spinosaur wrestled the replica.

A flame javelin clashed with a trident of crimson lightning. It sent a shockwave that pushed both backwards slightly, only for a much larger shockwave to be made right after. The palm trees that were on the beach were being scorched by the two’s heated fury. The urchin fell back as the flower atlantean started ramping up its pace, completely overpowering the urchin in terms of attack speed.

Meanwhile, the spinosaur manages to shatter both the replica’s arms with a blast of light magic and a shot from his flintlock. The spinosaur charged at the replica, not expecting one of its hands to regenerate instantaneously, grabbing him by the chest and dragging him across the island like a mop. It ran through trees, rock, even the statue in the middle of the island. Hugo covers his hat with his claws, trying to shield his pet.

Once the replica had dragged the spinosaur to the complete opposite side of the island, it crumbles to dust. The spinosaur gets up, checking for any wounds on himself. His back has been painfully torn open, revealing both flesh and a spine. He calmly collapses back on the ground, exhausted. Just kill me already.

A splatter of blood covered a part of the sand. A crimson red trident made out of lightning protruded from the abdomen of the urchin. It collapses to the ground in defeat.

The flower atlantean drags its meal into the ocean, making a deep laugh as it did.

got a bit silly again
@Mr_Mxyzptlk @ImaLettuce
@Randomness ← had to nerf your guy sowwy :3


Funnily enough limestone keep is actually the place i claim and fish the most in ao, so this actually very likely.

i can only imagine how a silvy without the starfish would go, man’s no longer weakened and is nearly blindess, bro could’ve survived then, but then again he wouldn’t wanna lose his sanity

Bracken vega action!


imagine not being able to beat a nerfed atlantean

the starfish got too scared of flower bro it hid itself

reason I didn’t let it finish the funny spinosaur off is because it doesn’t want to drag two bodies (like you’re pretty heavy while my guy vega is pretty light compared to ya/ I was lazy on how too finish you off :skull: )

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i mean a 10 foot tall giant would be heavy as hell lmao

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i asked and you DELIVERED!!!


we NEED more original atlanteans with powers that can break someone mentally!!!


After the battle, the Cretaceous Atlantean Mutated further, it’s sanity worsened, it grew bigger with stronger claws, the sail and spine turned into sharp spikes pitruding in the back, And Victor Evolved into a mind control device, where if The Atlantean cuts a peice of Victor off, it will regenerate a clone from that peice, and that clone can be used to control other atlanteans to his will if he attaches it to them.

essentially after the battle, Silvy desided to raise an army of controlled atlanteans to prepare for their next encounter. (Adaptation/Mutation Moment)


gotta cook some more

i just binged all of these match ups-

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Hope you enjoy this funky series (mate you jumpscared me with five notifications today)

I- sorry, lol, just loved it

Like seeing oc’s fight sometimes, and these are just amazing

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