[ABYSS SEA] A Wedding at the End of the World

[Property of Matthew Barion, if found, please drop off to your nearest G.N base]

Day 237

We weighed anchor around the North-Eastern part of Pelion Rift, specifically the side facing the Jaws. So far, we’ve suffered no casualties or really any threats that could cause one, other than Roy slipping off the ship, but we got him back up. Beside’s it was his fault he’s always next to the mortar and insists that his armor will stop him from being swept overboard, instead of bracing.

Eddy took stock off our supplies, we have enough fruit to stave off scurvy for the foreseeable future. Our Ice mage can stave off rot as well, so it’ll last. We have plans to swing around the Northern Jaws and try and sneak our way to Mango Isle to refill on fruit if ever need be.

McPherson says weather around here isn’t too intense, Roy says we have enough cannonballs to last a good while, Montgomery says she’s got enough supplies that if need be she could rebuild the ship ground up, and Cook’s charms are holding up great and she’s kept us all in good health.

Speaking of Cook, I need to go ask her something…

Day 241

I’ve had a busy last couple of days but to sum it up its mostly been just a proposal followed up with plans a wedding. McPherson says a calm patch in the weather is coming that’ll last long enough for us to have a wedding on deck.

Eddy, Roy, and Mcpherson got into a fistfight over who was going to be the best man. Eddy won, and honestly I respect the dedication enough that he’ll actually be my best man.

I’ve been busy forging the wedding rings for my own wedding, working with Arcanium is much harder on rough seas than it is on land. It’ll be worth it though.

Day 242

Crew’s been suprisingly hard at work on getting the wedding ready, didn’t expect them to be so on board with this, seeing as the world is well, ending. Cook’s been excited for this, Montgomery somehow made a wedding dress for her and a suit for me. I am not questioning how.

In non-wedding related topics, a few Atlantean sailboats came in the area, but Roy took em out in a few mortar shots. We collected the sealed chests from the ships after we made sure the Atlanteans on board were dead and cracked em open.

Day 247

The day of the wedding is here. I… can’t say that I’m not a little nervous, but the suns out for the first time in months and the seas are calm. Maybe the Gods are still out there and decided to give us a little gift. It’s a nice respite from the stormy skies and constant threat of an Atlantean breaking through the stormy waves.

Another ship who decided to hide in the same area as we were swung by our ship to see what was going on. We invited them to the wedding, and now we have double the attendence than we expected, but hey, more guests are nice.

One of the guys on that ship was actually an experienced offciant, so that made our wedding even better. The ceremony started, we said our vows, kissed, and so the celebration really started.

Cook looks the prettiest girl in the world, and honestly, I don’t think I could be a happier man. I know that this brief reprieve won’t last forever, but I’m going to enjoy every moment of it to the best of my ability.


honestly was expecting a tragedy at the end but was pleasantly surprised!

what better time to do everything you’ve ever wanted to do than at the end of the world? i feel like throughout all the desolation and despair, there will still be people finding reasons to celebrate, whether that be a special day, or simply making it through the night

This was really nice, and definitely some much needed wholesomeness in a sea of depression

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This is a really nice story, of a crew getting through an apocalypse by just having fun. It’s wholesome and sometimes that is still really fitting, even for a situation this grim.

A rainbow hidden amongst all the storms, truly a rare find

moments like this when most of the story is grim and seemingly hopeless shine so much brighter than they would normally
i love the brief respites in settings like this :+1: :fire: