[ABYSS SEA] [CHAPTER 8] The Unholy Nightmares clash, Herald and Spectre (a fight)

(Previously: [ABYSS SEA] [CHAPTER 7] Just a subordanate now)

(Atlantean King Calvus take, Herald of the deep: Drop your OC statuses - #192 by Brinstar77)

General Julian, the glass curse user was fighting his former king who was attacking aimlessly, Julian was going to try and subdue Calvus, to try and bring him back for testing, to cure him
Near the end, Calvus stopped attacking, performing a dodge to land ontop of one of the many walls around Rubica, one of the many shattered corners, just, standing there, staring off into the open sea, as if he had a sudden moment of clarity, and last, his eyes changed from a shining bright white, into a shade of a deep glowing purple this was not normal.

Then on short notice, a hoard of Atlanteans suddenly appeared, moving in sync with each other, and when Julian tried to blast the group with 1 powerful blast, they moved quickly, the strongest moving to the front all holding up shields, while they were all still harmed significantly due to the overwhelming power, none of them actually died
Then, Calvus spoke

“Julian, the deep has decided to spare you despite the threat you pose, so long as you are not to halt the deep or try to stop us, you will be left alone, for the gift the dark sea brings does not bode well for those who hold a curse, a catastrophic downside that helps none, and harms all”

“But if you dare try to fight against us, you are requesting your own demise, you have already risked so much to save ‘this’ when 1 mistake could cost you a scratch, and the gift, but your magic curse and dark gift of the deep do not work well with each other, so as a act of kindness, mutual destruction will not be paid for as long as we are left on our own”

“The choice is as easy as mutual life or mutual death, leave now”

Julian was stunned, what had happened in such few moments, what changed occurred within his mind for such a sudden vision of clarity? What was the ‘deep’
But none of those questions would be answered, for the crack of red lightning bursting forth from the sea, soaring up into the air before another strike down, landing in the center of the Atlantean horde, disrupting Julian’s thoughts, and it also took the attention of Calvus.

Julian did not leave as he had been originally told, he stayed, he had to watch, he wouldn’t let calvus die even if he was no longer there, if he died, there would be no hope of a cure, if he lived he would leave and then try to find a cure, find some other poor folk, take them, experiment, try to find a cure, and then bring it to Calvus once successful, they wouldn’t notice a single weak Atlantean after all, right?

Then Julius was watching from the distance as to what was about to occur.

Calvus burst down in a flash of yellow, landing next to one of the bodies that had been launched from the landing of the new Atlantean, Spectre. Calvus bent down and picked up a Iron trident from the body, it may not be as good as the triasta he used to have, but it was the same type of weapon, the old muscle memory is still there, he can use this easily.

While calvus was doing that, Spectre was staring at him, Spectre was chewing on one of the arms, slowly, she was more focused on him, but not yet making a move, after that encounter with Ruby roger, she started to pay more attention to her senses, feeling for his power, she was not going to underestimate a opponent a 2nd time.

Calvus was the first to speak up
“You are abusing the power of the deep, you are using it against those who gave you the power, almost exclusively

After finishing chewing on a part of the arm, Spectre replied
I’m just hungry, and those like us, are larger, more filling, it’s more rewarding, easier than hunting for double or triple the amount of humans. It’s quicker, less work for more reward
Then she resumed her slow eating while keeping an eye on Calvus

“… Alright then Spectre, as the Herald of the deep, I shall, Subject you to death

Then the fight began

Calvus, Herald of the deep began, bolting towards Spectre in a flash of light as he jabbed his new trident forwards, but spectre avoided the attack, in a moment she had dashed to the side, releasing a shock wave of darkness spreading across the ground
Calvus jumped up high into the air creating an array of 8 blades of Aether he could unleash, Specter followed suit jumping up into the sky from her own position, and as she rose to the sky, she formed a aura of darkness around her.

As the darkness spread, it was oddly slow, with a faint magic circle remaining at the center of the pool, sustaining the magic so it would not fade and keep Calvus in the air for as long as he could keep himself up there.

Then the fight started to pick up the pace, shrouded in a aura of darkness, Spectre punched the air with her right claws, the claws of a mantis shrimp sending a shock wave throughout the air backed by a wall of darkness that had been part of her aura, repelled by her own attack, wider than the shockwave sent through the air

Yet Calvus countered, an explosion of Aether halting the shockwave followed by a swift blast charging through the wall which was then blocked by a bolt of red electricty, Calvus Advanced, dashing through the air with a burst of Aether power, rapidly appoaching.
Spectre challenged his approach, in a flash of red electrcity sparking through the air, he rammed calvus with his left claw, aimed to grab his right arm, but seemingly at the same instant as she dashed in, he moved his trident perfectly to block, causing the power claws to crunch down on Iron instead of flesh.

Now entangled in the air, face to face, Calvus began to release his array, all at once, point blank, and Spectre was about to punch with the mantis shrimp claws, and below them both, another magic circle appeared on the surface of the darkness beneath them, under Calvus

They traded blows, but the 8 blasts from array simultaneously pushed her off, but she still hurt Calvus, before he was struck by a pillar of darkness from below, momentarily limiting his vision as Spectre used a electric dash to get behind him, and her 3rd dash in the air to ram into his back, her crab claws finally landing it’s clamp against his arm, and began to punch with the mantis shrimp hand while creating a red magic circle infront of it, punching the back of his neck with the extra power of the dark sea’s red lightning

In only a moments notice, a new magic circle for the apocalypse bringer magic appeared above them both, exploding with great power, sending Spectre down to the ground, her magic circle that had been sustaining the first shockwave vanishing as she slammed into the ground, creating a small crater, but she still got up, sending a beam of lightning up which was countered by Calvus using his own beam of Aether, clashing and beating Specter’s magic

But her aura of darkness was still there, protecting her, reducing the damage as Calvus’s beam of Aether broke through

Calvus than dashed down in a burst, ready to Impale Spectre, but she made a magic circle above herself, between them, creating a pillar beaming upwards at Calvus as he rapidly fell, but he spun to the side, and more pillars began to emerge, firing high into the sky, if one could not hear or see signs of the clash before, they certainly would now

As Calvus neared, there would continue to be more pillars as he rushed to the ground, Spectre swinging her left claw around, placing all the magic circles, while on the right she was charging a max lightning attack which she would boost with her mantis shrimp claws, then Calvus made his own magic circle for his left hand, apocalypse

Then in a 2nd dash, his decent was accelerated, and they were next to eachother

Calvus unleashed his explosion, while Spectre punches her mantis shrimp hand out while releasing her electric explosion, concentrated into a smaller dense form, high power and fast even before the acceleration with her punch

That clash of power shook the island, a bright light of teal and red shined into the sky, you could see it from anywhere across Ravenna

The crater had deepened, Spectres right arm was now broken, with shattered bones, and barely hanging onto her shoulder by a few strands of flesh, but she had still knocked Calvus back quite the distance, completely shattering a wall as he was sent back to his Castle, which then began to crumble ontop of him, it had already been damaged over the weeks since the Atlanteans had first arrived, and now it collapsed onto it’s former ruler.

Spectre stood up slowly, her body scorched all over, she moved towards one of the bodies that had been left along the ground, though there was barely much left of the bodies after her battle with Calvus, with her left claws, she grabbed it, just a arm, and then in a flash of red she zapped towards the sea, returning to sandfall with less than the intended amount of food for that hunt, but she could eat, and heal.

Shortly after she had left, there was an explosion at the castle, a fully charged explosion of the apocalypse, sending debris flying everywhere, many of which landing in the sea, and Calvus walked forwards, seemingly untouched despite the attacks he had endured, asides from the noticeable dirt and remnants of debris over his body showing signs of the battle, and a few short twitches caused by some static electricity that had momentarily kept him in the castle before he pushed through the paralysis, and the twitches were fading away, the iron trident he had used as a replacement had broke during that last attack, it would be easy to find another one anyways, but finding a better one would be more difficult.

He would be sure to chase down Spectre eventually, but for now he would focus on his new clarity, and organize what Atlanteans his power could reach and control, assert his control over those that lacked a mind of their own, he was the Harald of the deep, he would not disappoint

It was then that General Julian finally left, Calvus was still alive, he could find a cure some other time and give it to him later, however long it would take, he went across to the opposite side of the island where he would get his own ship to sail off into the sea, in search of a cure, even if it takes many, many years.

A while later, on sandfall isle, Spectre was eating the arm she had taken earlier absentmindedly
I need more power
I need someone strong that i can devour
The concentrated energy from the dark sea in a stronger opponent
Might be able to tip the scales in my favor
What’s next

what is abyss see never heard of it

Basically the AU is that the dark sea has expanded to encompass the war seas, and it is also assumed that other sea clusters are having this same problem, and with the expansion of the dark sea the creatures also begin to pour into the war seas, mainly the Atlanteans as the most common threat

If you want more information this is where you can get most of what you need to know

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