ABYSS SEA - Conquest of Othrys [Forum Collab]

The door clicks behind you as it closes, the soft glow of a lamp illuminates a desk at the far end of the dark room. The moon barely peaks in through clouds, a soft rattling wind hissed by the windows. As you approach the desk you run your fingers along its weathered, well used top. You feel each stain, every chipped edge and scratch that time has etched into it.

Among the mess, there is an old leather book, with no title, beckoning you to open it, and read from its weathered pages. Out of the corner of your eyes, you find an old cassette player. Tapes sit in a scattered, unorganized pile nearby, simple labels denoting their names. Perhaps they can soothe you as you read. With a soft click, the cassette player pops open.

Do you insert a tape?

Some Music, Catered to relax you

This story is simply too big for the forums

96 pages,

45,000 words,

7 forumers characters (+1 random friend)

Speaking of characters, lets meet our collabers!

Something on the ground...?

Special Thanks

Thanks to everyone who let me use your characters (lettuce, Wings, Dubious, Cryo, Syruup & Valarie)

Extra thanks to Goopman for his Art assets and helping me do some grammar changes.

a HUGE thanks to @Mirage for this entire concept. (Go to their profile, upvote every post this wonderful person has made, they are an amazingly talented writer and artist)

Huge props to ALL the MANY abyss sea writers and artists. I looked at your works to motivate myself to keep this absurdly large project going.

And thank to you, whether you hate or love the story, for giving me the time of day.

Finally… I can rest.



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the mad lad did it, he actually did
(take a rest champ, you deserve it

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This is incredible! I dont think any writer here can compare to the amount of effort youve put into this

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Finally out of the oven and done cooking. You made a whole thanksgiving feast.

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its not over quite yet…

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didn’t invite me

Going to have to read this at some point, but I need to properly find the time to do it

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definitely will start reading tomorrow since I’m going to be traveling, I know this is just gonna be the best road trip read ever

Thirty-three days. Thirty-three days of pure dedication, to create something that’s a feat in and of itself before even reading a single word, all for a little hypothetical concept for an underrated roblox game. You, and everyone else involved in the creation of this story, are nothing short of inspirations to me, and many others here I’m sure.

You have no idea how much of an honor this is, to me as a storyteller, to see something so utterly creative and masterful arise from all of our scattered ideas for this project, and I have been seeing this happen literally every day, every time someone decides to make something for the AU. It sounds stupid, but this little community we have on the forums is something I’ve only ever dreamed of fostering, just a place where so many people can come together and share ideas to inspire each other.

So thank you, Crimson, for furthering that dream.

anyways yapping time over time to focus on the real important thing here



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The glorious goat writer strikes again with NINETY FUCKING PAGES of peak.

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this shit is so fucking peak

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Wings could have totally just thrown every atlantean encountered and just skipped them across the bronze sea like rocks on a river, but we need story conflict so image

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(I wanna read this so bad but I can’t cuz I’m at work :sob:. But rest assured I will be giving it a read when I have time)

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Ninety FIVE pages, with more coming soon from Typ

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Well typ0 is writing his own story in this continuity so wahooo!

being real someone should actually narrate this so i can listen while im grinding

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Bro I ain’t got the lungs for that…

Would do that if my voice wasnt cringe

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don’t have a deep and cinematic enough voice to do that :pensive:

you could prob put it into TTS tho

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