[ABYSS SEA] Forest of Masts

“…Alright, you can do this, I believe in you.”
I said to myself as I hopped onto my sailboat and set sail for the Nimbus Sea.

Oh, you don’t know where I am? I’m in the Dark Sea on an island.
Why am I in the Dark Sea? It’s my home.
Why is the Dark Sea my home? I realised the Grand Navy doesn’t go into the Dark Sea for any reason, and I’m kind of wanted by the Navy.

What am I doing? Visiting Maria, I’ve heard of many people escaping into the Dark Sea that there’s some invasion going on with Atlanteans… So I’m going there to see for myself!

I have made a few Insanity potions beforehand, why not Warding or Invisiblity?

I don’t have Invisibility… and I feel like having Warding and Invisibility won’t work well since the Atlanteans would just sense a divine aura and attack that area.

I think that by drinking Insanity I should be able to blend in with the Atlanteans.

Why did I choose to go there?

I arrive in the Nimbus Sea, heading straight for the Forest of Masts.

Every so often I visit Maria, sometimes when I was retrieving supplies, sometimes when I felt like it, but always when it’s her birthday. We became close friends when we were kids and promised not to attack eachother when we went our seperate ways.
Speaking of which, I haven’t visited her in a while, maybe a month or so. Another reason why I’m heading to her.

I arrive at the Forest of Masts, it’s eerily quiet.

It’s always quiet here, to not attract the wrong kinds of people such as the Navy.
But something feels off, as if something is rotten, or rotting.

I jump off of my sailboat onto the island, I take the Insanity vial and hold it in my hands.

“You’ve lived in the Dark Sea, you can withstand this Insanity, it’s either this or possible death.” I tried to reassure myself.

I did not know what awaited me on that island.

Okay, not half bad, just casually vomited into the sea.

Besides that, it’s less bad than I thought it would be.
Don’t get me wrong, it is still horrible.

I walk to the area where the wrecked boats are and jump on one of them before making my way over to another, and another, all the way to the Frigate.

“Maria! Are you there?” I yelled out.


. .


. .

But nobody came.

This isn’t right, not at all, normally Maria would’ve jumped from one of the masts and embraced me in a hug by now.


It’s too quiet.

“. .?”

I turn around, nobody is there.

Is this the Insanity? Or is this real?

I jump onto the docks next to the Frigate.

There’s someone there, at the end of the dock

“Maria??” I call out her name.

It turns around…

Atlantean, right in front of me, looks like a mutated octopus of some sorts.

It starts walking in my direction.

Oh God, hope my theory workes.


. .

It walks past me, the theory actually works!

I climb onto the Frigate.

So this place is also infested huh? I hope she made it out alive.

I look inside the Frigate, nothing.
Captain’s quarters? Nothing.
Cargo hull? Nothing!

I look around the entire island, checking every hiding place Maria told me about.

No-one, not a single human. A lot of Atlanteans, though.

So either she escaped, or…

I shiver at the thought of it, she better be alive!

I make my way back to the boat.
Or at least, where my boat was.

Thats right.

Remember how it’s called the Forest of Masts?

I didn’t dock my ship well enough, and the Forest… well it has gotten an extra mast.

Yeah that’s what happened.

Wait, I’m thinking clearly? Has the Insanity already run out??
Ah shi-


I felt something wrap around my waist.

“Steel Singularity!”

The area around me exploded as steel materialize out of thin air, destroying the tentacle that wrapped around me.

Tentacle? As in, octopus tentacles?

I turn around, it was the same Atlantean.

Should’ve expected this.

“It’s you again… Looks like you realised I wasn’t one of you 'ay?”

No response.

“Doesn’t matter.” I chuckle, “Let’s battle!” I smear some Harming Gel on my hands and prepare to cast an Aura spell.

This is all just a bad dream…

This is a losing battle, this stupid Atlantean can multitask with it’s stupid octopus limbs, and worst of all, it learns my attack patterns!

“Aurora Arrows! Cast-Iron Cascade!”

Nothing, nothing works!

I wish I never stepped foot on this island.

This went on back and forth, me attempting to attack it and the Atlantean just dodging it.

I try to cast a spell.
Keyword: Tried, because I got caught off guard by another Atlantean who lunged at me, grabbing my neck.

I can’t breathe.

I try to get it off, it doesn’t work.

I can’t breathe…

I’m losing air quickly, there’s nothing I can do.

I can’t…

I fall on the ground, the world is slowly getting dark as my body hits the cold, hard rock.


My body gets lifted up in the air.


. .


. .

I black out.

One I will never wake up from.

Hannah Moonsilver has been devoured by Atlantean.

I swear I hate this autocorrect, why does it autocorrect 2 dots to 3??? Can't even write some Abyss Sea lore without it being extremely annoying smh

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The perspective in this little short was super fun to read! Hannah’s character voice is very unique, it seems that she’s trying her best to get by :(((

Sorry this was so late! I’ve been saying for a while I needed to get back into the swing of things :sob:

It’s okay, I’m not forcing you to read it anyways :melting_face:
Besides, you probably got more important things to do than reading a silly little story about an OC, and I respect that