[ABYSS SEA] the lost sailor experiment of chefwake

“Today makes for the first round of experiments on the current population of lost sailors in the cure department here at redwake. We’ve discovered an interesting revelation about this infection that we believe can be cured using a unique citrus and golden petal blend. I believe that if this project is a success, we can drastically push back against atlantean forces and possibly rid them once and for all”

“I’m dubbing this unique elixir: lemonade”

-Hannibal Clarke, head of the chef’s resistance association.

It was an overcast day at redwake as I carried a large box filled with lemons into the special building located in the east side of the town. upon entering, I was told to place them down with a collection of several other acidic fruits, such as limes, oranges, and even weirder choices like tomatoes. Staring at the pile, I scoffed a little. How could this possibly cure an infected? As an experienced alchemist myself, I believed that the best bet would’ve been made out of high warding ingredients, not vitamin C.

Anyways, I entered a hallway and eventually found myself in the testing room, several other alchemists and chefs would be outside of a testing chamber, inside, a single lost sailor would be sitting down at a table. “there you are” one of the chefs said as I entered the room. “what’s going on” I asked. looking around at the environment.

“We’re just about to start serving this lost sailor some of the experimental cures, I wanted you to come over to watch it happen in case we needed a tweaking in the ingredients. you happen to be one of the best alchemists on the island currently” My associate responded to me.

“Alright, here it goes, batch #57 is being served”

the first drink was made out of lemons, limes, and golden petals, the lost sailor reached and drank the whole thing down.

At first, nothing happened, the lost sailor didn’t seem to react at all, it went back to grumbling and muttering to itself.

“Man, we’re tried almost everything at this point, why did we ever think the way to counter scurvy would counter this?”

“Can I taste the drink?” I asked, soon enough, I was given a cup of the same stuff.

I immediately noticed how poorly blended the ingredients were, I also noticed how there was almost no other flavor but an awful sourness and bitterness from the petals, it made me gag a little.

“well of course this stuff doesn’t work! it needs to be diluted with holy water and it needs lots of sugar, try that and we’ll do this experiment again”

a few moments later, the new batch was ready, it was a lot less pulpy, and seemed to be a lot more glowy due to the holy water.

the sailor drank the substance.

and soon enough, he began to convulse and shake, and even pass out. chefs and doctors entered the room in a panic, and they noticed the sailor’s skin was changing, scales were disappearing, and his hair was growing back.

the cure seemed to be working, but suddenly the sailor slowly began reverting into the lost sailor form. it was progress at least.

“Next time, try narwhal horn shavings in the drink” I wrote in my journal.


man idk lemonade is like a cure I guess lol

Thank you for the lighter take on this AU, really makes me happy to read among all the depressing stuff :]

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i’m speechless

try grinding some dark sea diamonds into it (sourced from REAL dark sea islands by yours truly)

this is why you ALWAYS need to mix correctly!