Abyss underwater structures first attempt at build meta

Ah buddy, I dont need them

I dont need sharkpel

All I need is the power of friendship

If someone can do a rundown of how much this would cost, it’d be great!

still hoping waterbreathing jewels are fixed so that at the bare minimum waterbreathing potions are required for the one thing they are good at

go for max breathing so you can use agility pots + revealing or shark repel

Thats the plan! 5 Breath musgravites

Finally, the stockpile of theurgist clothes will finally be put in good use

Heh, how much would it be to get a full set off ya(clean)?

For some stupid reason, I have yet to have any ds run items on my file im planning on doing this build

Sunken Warrior /s (Unless)

Though most of my theurgist stuff is capes and hats, haven’t really taken inventory of the things I have tbh. Most likely 2 brisk scrolls would be a fair trade

Though I won’t trading them rn because I have to sleep


Better build, more attack speed, loses the 20 intensity that was useless

wow those are some really interesting stats at the right of the screenshot

mb hang on

I’m just gonna use my dark sea mobility set with revealing and shark repel.

Remember, vetex extended the detection hitbox of ship attachements to reach down there, so you can kill most of the sharks there by baiting them

I usually just kite them by going in the water and back on my ship while using either 20 gold blasts or a single tiny one
Last time I checked, sharks, tiger sharks and great white sharks swim around your boat at 299 792 459 m/s and have a tiny hitbox so they’re impossible to hit, and they aren’t one shot kills
Kiting is my preference

agility effects swim speed!!
its not negligible i swear!!!

Here’s my build:

Tier 4 waterbreathing potion.

Stamina pie.


Won’t be enough for the secret OLEG miniboss sadly :pensive:

But I will be. If it exists in the sea, it cannot beat me. I’ve fought White eyes in the ocean before when it was targeting me. These foul beasts got nothin’. NOTHIN’.