Abyssal Diving

So I want to try abyssal diving as it’s actually something I’ve never done in this game. Does anyone have any build ideas / suggestions (I’ll probably go as a fire conj but I don’t know a way to destroy jellyfish / cause destruction underwater if I want to do this)
also what potions are recommended? I have a few ideas but I’m not sure exactly what I want to use. My Ideas are Clearsight, Revealing, or WB (could make gems?) but there’s only 2 potion slots. I don’t know exactly if 100% wb gems still work, and I’d like a nice balance of swim speed (agil + gems) / water breathing (gems?) / destruction (gems or size?) / survivability & some power to deal with sharks, but I don’t know any good builds (it’s so over)
Also is it worth it at all? Does it have increased sunken odds or is the only use for the modifier & title?

How many gem slots do you need for 100% wb (using musgravite and t2 wb)

Full Theurgist + Dromeas Trappings, 5 Waterbreathing musgravites, rest Swimming musgravites, all Agility enchants. Use ship attachments to draw the sharks to the surface, kill them, then go diving. I use Revealing potions so I can see where the chests are. You may be able to use Clearsight instead, but I don’t use those so I don’t know how well they work underwater. This leaves one potion spot open for Luck if you want to use it.

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I’m assuming this is the standard?

Don’t know about standard, that’s just what I would use. I still use Cape of Ravenna Loyalty as my third accessory since that’s what I had before Empires update. It might be worth using that instead if you keep running into sea urchins and whatnot.

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Never use clearsight in abyssal sea structures, it doesn’t work.
If I recall correctly, my abyssal diving routine was the following:

  • Equip a Theurgist set alongside one Vatrachos accessory, all of which have mostly Air Capacity musgravites (until it reaches 90~100%) and Swimming Speed.
  • Use a sharkrepel potion before jumping in the water.
  • Use your mobility skills to go down faster (Mirrored River, Flash Slash) to reach the bottom of the ocean to refresh them, and use them again to reach the structure itself.
  • Use a revealing potion once you see the structure’s name pop-up on your screen and clear it.

For Clearing: Memorising structures is key to clearing them well and fast, using a clockwise/counter-clockwise rotation to remember what you have already cleared in a structure can help, and never try to clear fossil structures as most of their chests are hidden behind “walls” (bones) which only have a few holes.
For Potions: Sharkrepel only has one tier so it’s useless to put in anymore shark fins, you only need Revealing 1 in order to see everything in an underwater structure.
For Jellyfishes: You can make use of Shining Cycle as a conjurer in order to kill (destroy/break) them. If possible, Sparrow Thrust also works.


If you’re worried about the sharks, just use ship attachments and kill them all before you even go in.
A couple shots in the water and they ALL swim up.

It takes time for them to do so and sometimes it doesn’t work though, hence why I recommend shark repel potions for faster clears.

well you need to kill sharks to get sharkrepel anyways lol.

Which you can do with a bow under the sea (faster than ship attachments).

Which potions you’ll take also depends on your build.
Clearsight is a definite must, especially with structures that have caves, tunnels, lava, urchins or clams. If you can’t see where you’re swimming, you’re in threat of dying.
If you want to make a dedicated diving set with at least 5 20% air capacity jewels (swimming speed is not mandatory), then you can use revealing potions.
However, if you’d rather not make a whole set, then you’ll need waterbreathing. Tier 5 is probably your best choice as you won’t have to dive out until the effect ends. However, you will have to explore shallow structures beforehand to learn of chest locations. There is also a table on the wiki with described chest locations for each structure, which you can use to find them faster.

For me it does

The chunky volcano with lots of vegetation and shipwreck impaled on a spire are also kinda ass, chests are all over

If you get a good abyssal or drowned piece its good

I guess…
I probably wouldn’t use them though, are they useful in trading at all?

Some people use them for stats or vanity, I sold Abyssal Titanium Pauldrons for 10k.

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Abyssal arcanium is always looked for to make literally immortal ice sailocks.

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