Accidently put 1 point into strength

I’m a level 118 with 48.8 hours into my slot, while I was putting in my points in I accidently put in 1 singular point into strength and accidently became a savant even though I have had my mind set on conjurer through out my entire playthrough so I’m wondering if there’s ANY way to get a stat reset during this point in the games development because I’m not really fond of the idea of having to wait until the brewing update comes out.

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no way to reset without starting over or waiting for potions sadly

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It’s a’ight if you just put one in. Once you awaken it’ll go away.

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Fucking butchering this man. “Reset”. What :sob:

…oh yeah its strength
thought it was vitality for a sec, which every build has access to

honestly with vitality rn we should just have like 5 free vitality resets :sob: that stuff kills your file

bro where’s the video

vitality racism

very much so

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