"Acrimony" XP Bar: Making stat resets more available

"Acrimony" XP Bar: Making stat resets more available https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/1/7/172887c02301a13f2039e1160716d7a9218bb85f.jpeg
effort 4.461538461538462 13 quality 4.384615384615385 13 reasonability 3.933333333333333 15

There is only one problem
What do I do when I don’t want a stat reset?
Also, stat resetting has drawbacks, it undoes your moveset, it undoes your fighting styles and mastery, it presumably undoes lost/ancient magics.

i mean just dont hit the stat reset button then?
the point is for the bar to give you the button back like interchange potions, not literally instantly force you to reset your stats

its a luck dependant item with no pity so kinda ig, some newbie got a bunch of them meanwhile i found like it like once in my hundreds of hours

this is the same kinda logic people used when a couple people thought they’d use interchange gel to forcefully reset their target’s stats for easy kills.

Not quite worthless, they would still have their 5k vendor value. Oh, and keeping one as a light source would be handy, and fun to show off.

I do not like this suggestion, as it would tank the value of acris. This would reduce interchanges to being a very minor convenience - getting levels is trivial, when I make a new character, I have to be careful to not over-level so I can avoid hitting level cap before getting my Sameria spawn point, as I want to keep that main story experience for when the level cap increases. I don’t mention this as if it is something everyone else does, but rather as a demonstration of how easy it is to level up, and thus how unnecessary interchanges and thus acris would be.

The reason that the acri value is important is because it gives that opportunity to hit the jackpot. Suddenly you have enough galleons for a brig, some solid equipment, and more. Or perhaps you put it in with some other items and get a sunken that you were wanting. In addition, valuable items, especially stackable ones such as acris, allow for wealth to be condensed. Would you rather be traded 10 of 1 item that you know is valuable and will stay valuable, or many different items in many different quantities with many different values?

I think the benefit of acris from an economic standpoint is better for the game than the ease of switching imbuing glass into a weapon instead of fists.

Basically an Acrimony pity system, I approve.

I’d like to see something like this added, as long as the XP requirement isn’t something trivial to obtain.

Yall I’m not saying I think it’d instantly reset, it’s just that EXP is the main source of income from doing anything, and

You know what? I’m gonna shut the hell up.

he did it…

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pretty please (half of the reason im doing this is despite having an acrimony and 2 stat reset potions i want to see traders rage)

That’s exactly why I chose to use XP.

Aint no way… I hope I’m not walking into bait here, but the effects of a single item on the economy do not outweigh the benefits this would bring to literally everyone. I have no idea why you like the idea of extremely rare pure RNG items or whatever you meant in that second-last paragraph.

Nah, I think it’s perfectly fine use of it. I’ve already seen a few people use the topic to “test drive” controversial suggestions and I had a feeling that making expensive stuff less important would be controversial (less than i expected).

I do agree that this suggestion probably has nearly no chance of getting in the game cause money. I still have a shred of hope that Vetex maybe actually reads suggestions, or maybe in the future if Vetex is available then I can send a link to this topic to see what he thinks. (Also if that logic was used when making suggestions then there would basically be none)

I am not really sure what is a good amount, and I think you could only figure it out through testing (and actually being willing to change the multiplier if it’s too much). I was thinking back to when I levelled a new file really fast by doing treasure charts and diving spots back-to-back. That got me to max level in a few hours, but that could definitely be improved with a diving build and potions to allow for completing diving charts. I probably should have considered stacked files, in which case a multiplier like 30 or even 50 levels would be more appropriate.

A possible way to alleviate this would be to add an XP decrease to people who get too much XP too fast (or invert it so you get more XP after a break, i remember an example of a game flipping something like this on its head and it was way better recieved).

Maybe yeah? It’s a super rare item with high demand that only people who play for hundreds of hours will amass.

You never know how many new or casual people quit the game because they regretted their build and had no reasonable way to change it (aint nobody gonna make another file on a game they don’t even personally know is fun).
Also one last thing, this isn’t directed at anyone in particular, but if you think that acrimonies will be bad after this, then maybe they can be buffed to give a magic reset as well.

Yeah but those are also misuse

Please just either ask if it’s a good idea in its own topic OR USE THE TOPIC CREATED SPECIFICALLY FOR THAT

I disagree. Once you have a character you feel good playing, you no longer need stat resets, but the acris remain useful because they are useful to other players.

I like acris as they are because they have a chance to be found in pretty much all content except for bosses and fishing, and despite the RNG, trading makes them still obtainable through means other than luck.

They start off with a stat reset, and I am unsure if these new or casual players hit 140 to make use of this suggestion, or if they would be willing to grind out the 20 levels (which while trivial for veteran players, may be more tedious for newer ones). And then, what if they run into the same problem of not having a good build (which could be a gear issue instead that is holding their viable character build back)?

Provided the rarity is right, and depending on how future magics will work, this could make this suggestion viable. Let XP be used to reset character stats, and make acris into an itemized version of the magic changing things in the dark sea.

this is why we need this

Winning the lottery feels SO good and provides me with SO MUCH MONEY!
I would love it as well, if I did win it that is.*
*this is without mentioning that winning said lottery is necessary if you want more fun out of the game

Also, players shouldn’t be forced to trade for items that they need, and using the free stat reset as an excuse just… is not it,

and for multiple reasons at that.
  • People don’t know what to invest into
    No, like actually. How would a new player know what stat to invest into without looking it up on third party softwares (discord/web browsers)? Imagine wanting to be a warlock and trying out a new stat ratio only to find out that you fucked up your build, that’d be terrible, and even I was a victim of that.
  • Time is a cost.
    Why should they frustratingly look for an acrimony/spend at least 10 more hours of their life into progressing through the same story again and getting the items that they need?
  • Trading is predatory and opportunistic by nature
    Which is why I will never get into it, because I don’t like being predatory and opportunistic. How else will you be getting something as valuable as an acrimony through trading without either farming your life out of other things (exotic scrolls, modified items, atlantean essences, sunkens) or preying on the unsuspecting?
  • Trading takes time to learn
    And even if you get past the value check, how are you going to learn of the value of items in a community filled to the brim with the immoral (the trading community, I mean)? I have around 300 hours of spent in total on AO, and I still need the community-made value list to help myself if I do try to trade.
  • There could be no trading opportunities
    Because no game is stable. The playerbase could just leave the game or there could just be an acrimony wipe. What’s the back-up plan after that? Farm for hours in hopes of obtaining some 1/5000 (I think) chance glowing four-leaf clover?

The difference between the lottery and finding an acri is that finding an acri is free, and you get it as simple as pressing E next to a normal chest.

I imagine that I should put my points into Magic if I want to use more and better magic. If I want to punch things, I should use Strength. And if I want some sort of hybrid, I’m guessing I put points in both! This is no Path of Exile, character builds are not that complex.

That suggests that if you’re looking for an acrimony, all you can do during that time is look for an acrimony, with no other activities done. You can look at people’s inventories, then go about your business. As for creating a new character, it provides population for the lower level areas. And frankly, if someone somehow messed up stat distribution that they couldn’t play the class they want, I think a little more time at lower levels would be good for them.

Well, you don’t need the acrimony, just an interchange potion. You can get the value you need by playing the game and trading the items you get to other players, or vendoring excess items, it builds up over time. You don’t need to “prey on the unsuspecting”, you just need patience.

How do you learn the value of items? You make offers, you ask how valuable things are, you consider how rare and useful an item is.

True enough. The back-up plan would be to make do with what you have until you feel like making a new character.

I like it, makes PVE stuff actualy worth doing even for pvp-nerds, but eh, vetex wont give us that for “free”

I came here to see suggestions not math. :frowning:

It is elementary school algebra… I can understand being a bit confused by it, but being intimidated is crazy.

It means that the amount of XP required to get a stat reset is equal to levelling up y times with no scaling. The example given was 20, so you’d have to get 20 levels worth of XP, but some people think it’s too little (which is why I tried to communicate that the number could really be anything for balancing).

oxymorons yayy