Actravaz's rant on the Ketchup Community

what the fuck

You just realised now?

Keep saying that until you try it and begin to beg for forgiveness

i will not let my mayonnaise daughter have kids with a ketchup farmer boy

I never cared about this community in the first place so yeah

the fact that you failed to even mention the worcestershire sauce community shows a lot about how much you REALLY care :fr:

In my personal opinion tomato sauce >>>>>> that shitstain of a condiment even though they both originate from tomatoes

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metaphor for many things

I’m a tomato sauce enjoyer not a ketchup enjoyer

maybe you should catch up with the new times

get it? anyone?

I will shove a ketch up your ass for that pun

Honestly, fair.

who else eats stuff without sauce


mayonnaise is disgusting why do you like it so much

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As a ketchup lover and ketch enjoyer, this is unacceptable. I will not tolerate this slander

It’s more egg per egg.
