Actravaz's rant on the Ketchup Community

So we all know about how the condiments community has fallen off recently right? Well we can point the problem to one specific part, the Ketchup community.

Their toxicity always ruins any meaningful discussion and my enjoyment of mayonnaise, No i don’t care that it’s a small minority causing these problems, screw ketchup lovers. And for GOODNESS SAKE the owners of the condiments factory always CATER towards these GREEDY BASTARDS but whenever some attention is given to the mayonnaise community they go BALLISTIC.

If they have any problems with us then they can go to ANOTHER factory. I don’t care that they have good points I have an ego where I believe the factory was only made for my community and that it’s impossible for them to suit the needs of both parties.

Those morons just want to see us mayonnaise enjoyers suffer

PM mentioned???

why is that the first thing you beeline for, clearly you ketchup fans love derailing

tally is now pvper 5, pveer 3, ketchup 1

Hobestly so real, like bro, I prefer mayo, you prefer ketchup, and it’s my tea I’m putting it in, so shut the fuck up

rename this to “Ketchup Community rant and a call for answers regarding it” please i BEG you

nah that only works for features not people

you fail to notice the large overlap between the ketchup community and the good fries community

Ketchup? Mayonnaise? Tsk tsk, these people haven’t heard of mustard yet. Mustard EASILY defeats the both of them, even if they mix to make cocktail sauce.
Admit it, neither ketchup nor mayonnaise should be made in the condiment factories.


Barbecque Sauce is superior in every way.

i’m not reading all this fuck you fuck you ketchup bad etc

As a part of the ketchup community, I am severely offended. Screw all of you, Ketchup is and always will be the superior condiment .

[henious insult]

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why she turned into a funkpop

as a member of the ketchup community - what?

henious :broken_heart::broken_heart:

Holy shit, we are really this bored waiting on another update huh

Why are y’all taking sides, Mayo-ketchup/Mayochup is a mixture of and is better than them both. It’s like a fusion in Dragon Ball, it’s gonna be stronger

As part of the mustard community, Im appalled that you didn’t mention us [heinous insult] :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: