I have been playing my Glass mage since wom, and I have too much in this slot to just start another one, at the same time, I would like to try other magics, such as Earth and Magma as my first magic.
I think most of the people who have maxed their crafting/potion/chef know what a pain it is to max it out, and the time it takes.
Since Vetex is trying to find a way to monetize in the game, What about a one time use “Character Rebuild” Game pass, this coud allow you to enter the “Character Creation” on a existent character. The price could varie from 800-1500? I think its a fair price, but idk, tell me what you think about it.
Absolutely not with robux… That’s going too far. This isn’t a pay to win game.
Vetex has speculated that there will be some way to change your base magic. But it will be very, very difficult, and it won’t be coming anytime soon.
I don’t see why it would be pay to win to swich your magic, while the item is not ingame, and with the “Rebuild” i meant the entire char, the name apareance, etc…
for me, this isn’t p2w
It would be pay to win because people would keep switching to the most meta magic after each balancing change. It also takes a whole mechanic (the monumental task of altering your soul) out of the picture, and just makes it available for robux, instead of an actual ingame feature.
There should be a way to change your name, I agree. Maybe make it have something to do with a criminal organization that’ll change your identity. As for appearance, you can change your appearance at a clothing shop.+
check the store ingame
helps people metamance by paying
Oh, is there a thing? I didn’t realize.
You can aready pay 400 robux to change your name
Damn I swear I heard some say that right before you
(Okay ill head out)
Nothing good can come out of this from someone that doesnt understand the core of the game
I fucking knew it.
There is
A third person now, people refuse to read
Its okay us food related accounts must stick together
This should be added, but absolutely not as a Robux microtransaction. Instead, make this a potion that can only be brewed from a very rare ingredient found in the Dark Sea, just like the Interchange potion.
it still feel dumb that the interchange potion doesnt let you change your 1st magic tbh
OR maybe just add it to the acrimony potion
Magic scrolls up
Yeah, this could work