Add greataxes / axes as a spell shape option 🪓

Add greataxes / axes as a spell shape option :axe:
effort 2.0 1 quality 1.0 1 reasonability 5.0 2

The proposal

A simple request, make a greataxe/normal axe shape option for spells.

Reasons for implementation

It just shocks me how we have hammers, swords, greatswords, hands, literal shark heads, and all sort of other wacky wild shapes, but we don’t have any axe shaped spells.

Wouldn’t it be so cool to have a magic greataxe smite your enemies via a placed explosion? if a hammer can do it, why can’t we also have a greataxe / normal axe variant?

Perhaps if it was a blast, it could spin around in the air like a throwing axe.

Possible issues

Honestly, I really cannot see how this can be hard to add into the game, and it’s probably not that difficult to balance either.

I am unable to see how this can possibly be a bad idea.

Axes for the win! :axe:

20% damage 15%- Speed 15%- Bursting

I don’t see why not

It would be so awesome it would be so cool

+35% damage
-20% size
-15% speed

Is this fair?

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Axes are cool, and so is throwing/smashing them, so overall this is a great idea in my head :nod:.

axe placed explosion by beloved…

jesus christ 35% wtf

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Perf ur a tester

what are ur opinions on a greataxe option

(or normal axe option)

35% damage is absurdly large for the downsides, Drill gives +10% damage for -25% size

its cool and all but theres no reason to give it extremely different stats from other shapes

Skull variant when

shuriken option and axes options when

Custom mesh option when

I knew it wasn’t good
25% damage?
-25% size?
-15% speed?

I would give it 20% damage at max with those stat nerfs

just give it another shape’s stats, dont need to go extreme

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Sure I guess, but not worth one of my votes since they are limited. I’ve never unlocked shapes before, but after learning that most of them have similar stats all my hype has died.

Fuck it why not?

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