Add the old AA statistics table for Arcane Odyssey

I already published this and I hope they do not take it as spam, I published it in another suggestion, but since its title was not so flashy I decided to do it again xd.
(The following is the same as I put in the previous one).
-Suggestion for AO : This is what I really want, to return the old AA statistics table, in some of the first versions of AA when leveling up they gave you one or two points to add to your statistics, this gave a lot customization to the game, because that way they gave you to choose if you wanted to base yourself completely on magic or strength. Being honest I don’t like that all our strength and defense is defined by armor and that if it weren’t for that all of the same magic we would have the same strength and HP.
And if when you advance in the game you regret your statistics and want to reset them, you may have to get an object that is very difficult to find. This is what I came up with because if it were reset with money it could be exploited, since with WoM there is a way to get 5k in 40 min, this is achieved with the codes, and let’s say that in AO it continues like this, it would be abused.
For the statistics table I would add Magic, Strength, HP, Stamina or I don’t know xd.
-Other suggestion for AO : This is already something small, that there are weapons or objects that are like for the hands, such as boxing gloves, claws, etc. Increase the strength of your fists, I think it would be interesting, since in the event that Streng’s enchantment continues to do so, I think that some weapons for the hands would not be bad.

This is how it looked before in AA, I found the image on the internet xd

yes, i remember that skill point system.
an issue i have with a system like that is that you kind of need to know what you’re doing–like how you want to play specifically.
i remember balancing out both stats because, as a new player, i didnt know which one was best or how gameplay was going to change later on in the game.

i prefer the system that replaced it


Honestly no.
I would rather not be limited by skill points, I would prefer being able to train every aspect up separately (The current plan) to equal levels.

The game is planned to have XP bars for both Magic and Strength.

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The system that replaced it? you mean the bars that went up when you only pressed a key? If that’s the case, I disagree with you, I think that system was very boring, you literally had to stand still in a place spamming a hit / kick or a blast, not to say that at high levels it becomes tedious as it takes a long time. I understand that before it was not understood how the points system worked, a solution would be to explain in detail how it works in the tutorial, and let’s say that later you regret your statistics, you would have to find or buy a specific object to reset it, obviously it would be expensive and hard to find so that it is not abused.

I didn’t understand you very well xd, just in case the armor with enchantments will also raise your statistics, not only will they count your skill points.

As long as it’s not like the latest versions of AA I agree.

You get XP for Magic or Strength by damaging enemies or completing quests using those respective attacks.

I just hope it doesn’t get tedious

Might I ask why? Individual leveling for each category of stat is much better and makes much more sense than just leveling up and allocating a point. In arcane before that was revamped, you could literally level up by spamming magic because it gave more XP, then allocate all your stats into strength


WOW! Vetex spoke to me!
I am your fan xd
Just in case, I’m not English so I didn’t understand you very well xd, I’m not saying that I don’t like the new system that you’re going to add for Arcane Odyssey, in fact I like it, I just hope it doesn’t get tedious like it was in AA , certainly in AA, having to kick / hit or throw a blast to increase XP was very boring, it took a long time, most of the time someone with 100% strength and magic would arrive and kill you with 4 blasts.

I feel it could be beneficial to make a stat system that includes all the different stat’s included in the game, besides magic strength and phys. strength. That way players can feel as though their own build is unique?

Also if the magic/strength exp gain isn’t based off of move spam, I don’t see the issue in allowing players to allocate where they want.

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