Addressing the allegations

As you may know, there have recently been rumors about me being on the forums while I’m under 13. Now, before I explain what happened, I’d like you all to know that yes, it’s true, I was under 13 when I registered on the forums. However, I’m no longer breaking the forum rules as of today.

Yeah, this post is just a silly way of saying it’s my 13th birthday. Please don’t ban me for this post.

Happy birthday! Welcome to the teenage world, where I graduated already😭

The rule haven’t changed. Prior crimes are still valid.

Mods, get ‘em!

Btw, how are u playing AO as a minor before, since most of my neighbour kids don’t even know how to play roblox as a minor.


(complete sentence)

Keyboard, mouse, laptop, monitor, Roblox, and (nonexistent) skill.

MODS! CALL THE GRINCH! make sure he gets no gifts under his christmas tree this year!!!

No, again, rule of the thumb.

Every minor in the internet is an FBI.

Really putting the ‘Minor’ in IssuesAreMinor

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The inevitable arpeeguy alt has arrived

hello youth

No I don’t

That’s the point of the joke

Happy birthday

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Happy birthday, good to know you’re younger than me
I was starting to get scared that I might be the only one that broke the rules here

WOAH. Bro admitted to being the Relative Minor of C major

Wow! Same!

Happy birthday

I love being older than others now

I can make fun of them yay

I got the Book of Bill from my little sister, the new D&D DMG and PHB from my mom, and a fingertip gyro roulette dice (yes that’s what it’s actually called) from my grandma.

I’m still waiting for my older sister’s gift RN because she’s in Missouri and I’m not in Missouri.

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