Admiral Agnis (Requested by JTN)

(DIY sun mutation circle lol)
Admiral Agnis Reference

and w/out circle:

Thank you @JTN for requesting this drawing (Sorry it took so long). For now I’m gonna pause on drawing requests and instead draw from my own ideas. The reason why I ask for requests is because I lack creativity. So right now, now I wanna try and make my own things again. If you want a drawing from me, I currently have one commission slot slot open (you must already have the necessary materials of payment before I can accept). Message me on discord for more info. Ti’ll next time Odysseers :earth_americas:


this goes hard


And then this guy appears
images (44)

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fire :fire:

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What are the payment materials for a commission?


There is something interesting about how Roblox GFX was made in 2017 and 2018

It was a time when there aren’t many known names besides Andite (screw that guy). But it was also a time when many people started to make Roblox GFX and some become a well-known names (SoftGB, StaredSystemized)

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Dude is huge, I wonder how big his magic circle is.

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It’s the tall guy!! :purple_heart::purple_heart:

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Oh my god THIS IS SO FIREE :fire: :fire:
Like the lighting is so well done here?? And the colours and pose just everything is just super awesome man

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This guy solos


Thank you! It didn’t come out exactly how I wanted, but at least it’s good enough.

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This is canon peacekeeper