Bad game and make rblx lag = delete
So is twitter
Never used twitter before
Basically every cancerous community…and some random toxic people.
what a surprise, adopt me is bad
Even though Adopt Me is a bad game in our perspective, the developers definitely know what they’re doing when it comes to updating their games for their audience and gaining money off the game
Yeah they definitely making a lot of money.
no shit sherlock
wow no fucking shit
bad game for children guys roblox is for an adult audience kids arent allowed adopt me kids game so bad !!!1!
ah yes thank you for regurgitating the same adopt me bad joke for the 500th time
“game made for young children bad because im not a young child… give me likes”
hey guys lets delete the hard work of random roblox devs because the game is too popuar and we gotta make 6 year olds cry
roblox upgrade your servers you’re a billion dollar company
- Yes
- Monke
0 voters
but adopt me bad tho