Adventure Forward 2 Redux releases tomorrow

Adventure Forward 2 Redux, or pretty much the only remake of AF2 to actually be close to releasing, releases tomorrow.

what are your thoughts on it?

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if you don’t know what it is don’t fucking post in the topic talking about it


at least tell me something about the game so I can know what it is bro

searching it up:

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What type of game is this? You know, you could of mentioned what it is.

what will be in this game?

looks like its a 3d platformer. im garbage at platformers but ill try it anyway

An AF2 remake already released years ago?

there has never been one that was a c t u a l l y released though?

Quite a while ago, actually.

that’s just AF2 but it works, this is a REMAKE with actual things that are unique

So this is essentially:
New gameplay, new maps, better design, same plotline, characters, and names?

Might aswell just be AF3 at that point.

bro snapped :skull:



I thought ThatOneGuy’s girlfriend was on the forums for a sec

Looks pretty cool but I’ve already 100% AF2
I might check it out

I just get pissed off when people post in a topic talking about something asking what the topic is abour.

if you don’t know what it’s about, don’t fucking post in it, search it up

even then why are you still so mad about it :skull:

at least they care about your topic enough to ask for more information instead of just saying things like “ok” or “nobody asked”