Adventure Story?

Raise your hand if you remember Adventure Story
I’ve sunk over 200 hours into it, shame it didn’t get expanded on
Makes me wonder if giving it to another team is out of the question if Vetex won’t update it, and if he does update it then cool. Doubtful, but cool.


Of course I do, pretty fun turn based game

there needs to be more turn based combat sort of games (and not dogcrap like “arcane lineage” permadeath doesn’t belong in any game that isn’t a full on roguelike)

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I looked through other threads around here with relation to Adventure Story and found a game which looks like it was meant to try and emulate it, but it’s a terrible game. I played it so you don’t have to.

adventure story is fun af even tho it’s old and not updated

yes i remember, game was honestly really fun and goofy

I really wish it had some kind of content update. I was even considering learning coding to make a game similar to it- and if the game does get updated again I have a whole document chock full of suggestions.

i really do want to know where it could have gone…it was such a wholesome little game :pensive:

update adventure story man…
also wipe everybodies account

i would suggest not wiping accounts, just fix the stat dupe glitch- or even better, have separate servers purely for duped accounts so that they can’t access the story but can access the content otherwise and can then choose to wipe parts of their data in order to return to the main game

Lemme know if you want to see that google doc with a bunch of the suggestions on it, because I have… a lot on there

Nah I’m more so thinking about how far the game was without updating
I feel like they should really only wipe the cards/charms thing.
(event abilities return in other events)

I feel like that would ruin the exclusivity of it. Their value would plummet.

I don’t think the value matters, not really like they’re tradable or anything I believe
without the wipe it doesn’t feel the same even when its updated
I feel as if AS would most likely need a fresh start, I know about the time spend in the game but I still feel like if the game had a fresh start it’d feel a lot better

Maybe, but I don’t want people to be upset because the progress they put into it was wiped. I know I’d be upset.

True, I’d feel the same as well but prolly for the better imo
but I feel like most of the progress comes from badges honestly
so might as well not wipe any of the title badges and stuff
I can’t say exclusive ability cuz I don’t thing thats a type vetex would do
so sadly only exclusive title/badge/event relics/dungeon relics

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you know what, since we’re on the topic it’s time for
Google Doc Time

(the link is a view link to the google doc containing all of the suggestions I had compiled over time)

i genuinely wish adventure story continued as a side project rather than it being abandoned completely, it was such a fun game that genuinely was going well interms of development.

Is all I remember, and I couldn’t even do it cuz my laptop sucked

But yea cool game

W game

if you remake the game they won’t because it’s another place so they can’t blame you