Advertise one of your favorite games in under 20 words

As the title says, advertise your favorite game within 20 words. Then say what game it is, and if you want to, say why people should play it.

“Wanna raise some incest dinosaurs to kill a bunch of gods and purify Earth?” ark survival evolved :fr:

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“do you wanna go to hell to power up your phone in the worst fucking city ever as a clockhead” limbus company

“Do you want to kill an eldritch god and a spreading, decaying mess, and mass murder thousands for the grind?”

“Customize everything, from magic to ships, weapons to fighting styles. Find your past and venture into the unknown.” Arcane Odyssey :DDD

You can travel through randomly-generated rooms, solve puzzles, and escape horrifying monsters."

Wanna get your ass beat from difficult bosses and explore what’s left of an abandoned kingdom as a silent pale knight

mankind is dead
blood is fuel
hell is full


Craft and fight dungeons and biomes against technology, celestial, dark, light, equinox, ouroboros which takes grinding. Balanced Craftwars Overhaul.

You’re magic Jesus but you can date people and kill dragons

Dragon age: inuisition

ow fuck my artery, oh god no my rations and supplies running out. and now im dead


“Your #1 characteristic is chucking furniture around. You’re trying to get to your hotel room, chaos ensues” The Upturned

“wanna beat up sephiroth as minecraft steve?”


“The ancient war between monkeys and bloons rages on. Be the guiding force helping monkeykind survive the endless Bloon hordes”

“Flying girls commit genocide, then befriend entire species for existing”

Touhou Project

“The exaggerated swagger of depressed teenager”



“Want to run around a decrypt city and realise an eldritch horror onto Earth?”
“Play a role playing game as the most common villain”

“Military fucks up the world and now theres zombies everywhere, might as well kill yourself”

“wanna become the beast or destroy it?”

infamous 2

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“Do you want to see kids die, a lot, and either ascend to heaven or hell?”

There’s also shit everywhere